Deb Schwartz photo
Parachute Games are probably the most memorable part of my games work. It's not unusual for an adult to approach me at an event and tell me how much FUN they had playing Parachute Games with me when they were a kid 20, 30, 40 years ago.
So here's 47 of photos of exactly that:
Odyssey Bookshop
South Hadley MA
July 7, 2023

Concerts on the Grass
Bellingham MA
June 28, 2023
May Day Family Camp-Out Weekend
Hardwick MA
May 1, 2023

"Grand Pop!"

"Pirate, Pizza, and Parachute Party"
Summer Reading Program Kick-Off Event
Hadley Public Library
June 24, 2022
Lakeville Arts & Music Festival
Lakeville MA
October 2, 2021
Mohawk Trails Regional School District Explorers Program
Buckland MA
July 7, 2021
Odyssey Bookshop
South Hadley MA
July 28, 2017
The Odyssey Bookshop has been booking me every year since 2000 for their annual summer children's performance series. (And the owner's sister books me at her day care, too!)
Newport Irish St. Patrick's Day Celebration
Newport RI
March 12, 2017
Newport Irish St. Patrick's Day Celebration
Newport RI
March 13, 2015
Katywil Open House and Family Day
Katywil Farm Community Co-Housing
Colrain MA
May 26, 2012
I always tell them, "No laughing in the middle!" but they all laugh anyways!
Gale Free Library
Holden MA
July 25, 2008
May Day Family Camp-Out Weekend
Hardwick MA
May 4, 2008
Autism Resource Center of Central Massachusetts
"Community Walk for Autism Awareness"
Quinsigamond State Park
Worcester MA
April 27, 2008
All together, doing a "Grand POP!" with the parachute!
Ozone Farm 30th Reunion
Larson Park
Webster Groves MO
July 17, 2004
This was a very informal reunion of people I went to 9th grade with 30-some-odd years earlier in Webster Groves MO. After high school, many of them went on to form a commune in the Missouri Ozarks called Ozone Farm and this was their 30th reunion. It was really great to see my old buddies from junior high, and although it was just one year that I was friends with some of them before my family moved to Massachusetts, I think of it as the best year of my life up until then.
Green River Festival
Greenfield Community College
Greenfield MA
July 17, 1999
In the top photo, we're doing a "Grand Pop!" This photo was so exciting it was published in the local newspaper! In the bottom two photos, we're playing Duck, Duck, Duck: duck when it comes around and then stand up again for the next time. Check out the guy in the red shirt on the left, he's doing the Limbo in the upper photo!
Nancy Little photo
May Pole Celebration Weekend
Hardwick MA
various years
I've been attending this yearly May Day family camp out weekend since at least 1992, maybe earlier. The above photos are taken all different years and there's no way I'm going to even pretend to try to figure out which photos are which years, so they're all in one cluster here.
Fryeburg New Church Assembly family camp
Fryeburg ME
various years
I've been attending the FNCA all my life, as did my mother before me, with my maternal grandfather being one of the co-founders back in 1921. I've been the Activities Director for 30+ years now. Part of my duties include an hour of games after supper with the 5-12 year olds. For a long time, we played parachute games every Sunday night and invited the teens and adults to join us.
some event
I have absolutely no idea what event this is.

Jeffrey and Brianna Lertora's birthday party
Agawam MA
May 25, 1998
was one of the funnest birthday parties I ever did. Not just the kids,
but all the adults participated in my show and then played all the
parachute games all the way through! They weren't just being chute
holders either... they were actually participating in all the games!
Everyone had a blast!
can't see the parachute in the bottom photo, but it's there! It's in my
right hand all twirled up into a single strand that I'm swinging in a
circle above everyone's head. [Notice the adults are participating!] This game is called Duck, Duck, Duck! You
have to duck each time it goes over you're head. Then you're supposed
to stand up again each time after you duck, but some people on the far
side of the circle obviously aren't standing up again!
Deb Schwartz photo
Holyoke Day Nursery
Holyoke MA
February 7, 1989
This lower photo is my all-time favorite parachute picture!! These were taken
by my housemate who worked there who got me the gig.
They've booked me seven more times since then. Thanks Deb! I have a 9½ X
14 of the lower photo framed in my room. Written on the back of this are the names
of the four girls left to right: Keila Martinez, Lila Kennedy, Stacy
Gaurdrait, and Jennifer Chaput. As I write this in 2016, they all are in
their thirties. If you are one of them,
please contact me. I'd
love to get in touch with you!
Advanced Chiropractic picnic
Red Hill Park
Red Hill PA
May 22, 1986
back in 1986, my brother-in-law the chiropractor booked me to entertain
his clients at his business's picnic. I basically played
games with whoever wanted to do whatever it was that I was doing for
pretty much all day! Of course, I had the biggest crowd when I had the
parachute out. And somebody clicked this photo of inter-generational
PO Box 463, Haydenville, MA 01039