"We always enjoy having you
with us at our programs"
~Lauren McMahon, After School Program Admin,
Wellesley Community Children's Center, Wellesley MA
Response to TREVOR's School-Age Programs

[30 years later] "Thanks, TREVOR. You and your fabulous games left a strong imprint on the children and we parents! All best wishes."
~Heide Zajonc, Class of '94 30th Reunion Committee, Hartsbrook Waldorf School, Hadley MA
"I wanted to share a recommendation for TREVOR "The Games Man" if anyone is looking for entertainment for birthday parties, school events, etc. TREVOR performed at Pack 4's Cub Scout Banquet last night and he was amazing! He kept 40+ kids happy and engaged for an hour. He was also so easy and nice to work with. Highly recommend!"
~Lauren Alexander, Pack Committee
Chair, Cub Scouts Pack 4, Needham MA
"Georgia said TREVOR "The Games Man" was amazing!"
~Marie Gauthier, Georgia's mom, Explorers Program, Mohawk Trail Regional School
District, Buckland MA
"It was wonderful, the fact that you were able to hold the attention of about 60 children ages 3-10. You were wonderfully creative and helped our children to use their imaginations. They had a good 60 minutes of FUN with a few props and a really enthusiastic guy. Thanks."
~Sister Connie Cawley, principal, St. Patrick's School, Chicopee MA
"Thank you so much for entertaining all of us at Mason Elementary's Fun Day!! Indeed both the young and old enjoyed laughing!! There was a lot of positive response from your visit. Remarks [from the staff] such as 'You certainly earned your $ in the day!', 'Constantly being on all day!', to a few of the students remarking, 'This was the best Fun Day yet!!' Thanks again for making the day special and FUN for the kids (young & old!)!!"
~Cheryl LaLancette, Mason School Club [PTO], Mason Elementary School, Mason NH
"It was fast-paced and non-stop laughter. Even on stilts, you really came down to the kids' level. You were G-R-E-A-T!! It was a wonderful show. I loved hearing my 4-year-old giggle non-stop! It was enjoyable for young and old and I would recommend it for all!!"
~Bridgid M. March, PTO, Charlton Elementary School, Charlton MA
"Loved it!! We totally enjoyed your last visit. I love your energy and ability to get everyone involved [including] children who normally avoid the gym as well as staff who do the same. TREVOR is a great motivator, knows how to have FUN, and has energy to burn!"
~Dorene Francis, director Ashburnham-Westminster Extended Day, Ashburnham MA
"TREVOR "The Games Man" came to our school to teach us FUN games. He was very funny and nice. We had lots of FUN. His hat looked like the Cat in the Hat's hat. His beard looked like long gray string. He talked through a megaphone. The megaphone was attached to a chain on his pants. He taught us many FUN games like Lemonade, Everybody's It, Buddy Tag, Triangle Tag, and the Octopus Game. Our favorite was the Octopus Game. It is played with a soft ball with a tail to tag with. The teachers were able to learn the games, too. It was a lot of FUN because everyone got to play with everyone else and no one was left out. The best part was that no one lost! At the very end, he gave us a sticker!"
~Mrs. Benham's 2nd grade class, Canaan Elementary School, Canaan NH
"I enjoyed watching your use of space. You were able to turn the space limitations into creative assets. I also enjoyed watching the faces of the children; such joy and humor! Indeed, my friend, you are a consummate artist and inspired performer."
~Ijod Schroeder, Hartsbrook School, Hadley MA
"Children had FUN; parents were happy/pleased/enjoyed the program; positive interaction with the children. You did a super funny job!
~Jeff Udall, principal, Breor Elementary School, Hatfield MA
"Thanks for coming to entertain the kids at Hubbard School. We always enjoy you as an entertainer. [I especially liked] the humor, the props, but I think mostly the interaction with the kids. They felt involved and really connected with you.
Everyone who attended said they had a really FUN time. Your show is a great opportunity to feel happy. The smiles
on the audience's faces are priceless. From young children to adults,
everyone laughs, and has a good time. Everyone, parents and kids, had a really FUN evening."
~Maureen Delude, Hubbard Elementary School PTA, E Berlin CT
"Thank you from us all for your part in the May Fair. The games bring the children mcuh joy and pleasure."
~Ekkhard Peining, principal, Hartsbrook Waldorf School, Hadley MA
"Thanks so much for the great show! The compliments have been endless. One of our parents, who is the head of many theatre groups as well as our local community college theatre arts program, said your show was the best he had ever seen!"
~Gwen Connolly, PTO, Berkshire Country Day School, Lenox MA
TREVOR's school-age shows:
PO Box 463, Haydenville, MA 01039