My Favorite Pictures of My Work

"The View from the Top!"
Strawberry Ice Cream Social
River Valley Co-op
Northampton MA
June 18, 2015
Right behind me is an outside stairway that leads down from the staff's break room. (You can see a very tiny corner of it and a support post at the end of the yellow handle behind my back.) Unbeknownst to me, someone from the Co-op's marketing department stopped halfway down the stairs and clicked this amazing shot. It is very rare for anyone to see me from this angle. I love it!
Deb Schwartz photo
"Parachute Glee!"
Holyoke Day Nursery
Holyoke MA
February 1989
is my all-time favorite parachute picture! It was taken
by my housemate who got me the gig. They've booked me seven more times since then. Thanks Deb! I have a 9½ X
14 of this behind glass on the wall in my Play Room. Written on the back of this are the names
of the four girls left to right: Keila Martinez, Lila Kennedy, Stacy
Gaurdrait, and Jennifer Chaput. As I write this in 2016, they all are in
their thirties. If you are one of them,
please contact me. I'd
love to get in touch with you!
By the way, this photo is also in the background of
this picture.
"I Said, 'NO LAUGHING!'"
Byram Shubert Library
Greenwich CT
February 19, 2008
The library was under construction, so my show was in a nearby gym. All the kids are laughing most uproariously! Pretty much all the adults look to be at least smiling, too. I just love the boy all the way to the right who is pointing up at me with a grin on his face.
Sarah "Sally" Montgomery & Priscilla "Chips" Wahlen's Wedding
South Hadley MA
July 23, 2005
This is (sorta) what the crowd looks like to me when I'm doing a show... although the photographer should have stood on a chair or something to get the full effect!
Green River Festival,
Greenfield MA
July 17, 1999
I still remember how exceedingly well this group worked together on the Parachute Games. We had been bouncing all that stuff that's up in the air (it's stuffed animals) around on top of the parachute; and then, we did one great big huge Grand Pop! all together and popped everything way up in the air all at once! You can see the perfect dome of the parachute through the crowd. I play this game every time I play Parachute Games, and that doesn't happen very often.
"Yellow Sneakers"
Green Fields Market Member Appreciation Day
Greenfield MA
June 6, 2003
yellow sneakers were my faves of
all the shoes I've had on my stilts since the very beginning. With the red laces, they matched my (then) brand new red & yellow
wide-striped pants really well. I only wish these shoes had lasted
longer than two years.
"Monkeys Jumping Through a Hoop"
Almont New Church Assembly
Almont MI
Everywhere I go,
the children just love doing this. Here's how it works: all the children stand in a line
about where the boy in the dark blue t-shirt is. I make a big loop with
Big Yellow and all the children try to make it through before it hits
the ground. Then they circle around and line up again. Two out of four
made it. The boy on the right will make it. But the girl on the left obviously didn't!
"The Grand Whoop-La!"
May Pole family camp out weekend
Hardwick MA
the first Sunday in May of some year
This is the grand whoop-la when the May Pole weavers have finished their dance and the actual May Pole (center,
at angle) is finally completely wrapped up top to bottom: everyone waves their ribbon dancers in the air, claps and cheers, whoops and hollers, and generally makes a big long happy NOISE!
FNCA family camp
Fryeburg ME
August 2008
This is my son, Jason. He's awesome! So's this picture.

"Everybody's Laughing!"
Bahai Street Fair
Florence Heights Apartments
Northampton MA
August 4, 1995
was a newspaper photo, hence the graininess. But I just love this
picture. The kids were sitting on the curb watching me perform in the
parking lot of this very poor housing development.
"Before the Parade"
Park Road Parade
West Hartford CT
October 10, 2018
Wow! I really do kinda stand out in a crowd!
"Getting a Ride Back to the Beginning from Johnny Paindiris"
Park Road Parade
West Hartford CT
October 7, 2017
It seems I get almost as many looks during my ride back to my vehicle after the parade as I do actualy in the parade, that is to say: everybody looks at me! Some years, it's in an open cart like this. Other years, it's a closed cart that I stand on the back of and cling to the roof, hoping my hat doesn't blow off. Either way, it's a sight to see!
PO Box 463, Haydenville, MA 01039