TREVOR's Hat Parade!
I just plain LOVE hats! I'm very rarely seen without one. I own well over a hundred head coverings. Some are fun and some are merely functional, but I love (nearly) all of them.
If you are a close friend or family member and can fill in any missing dates or locations below, or update/correct any of the text about the hats, I'd really appreciate an update. And if you have any photos of me in hats that aren't here, or if you have better shots of ones that are here, please send them to me (click "Contact" at left) and I'll probably put them in.
So, without further ado, in roughly chronological order starting when I was 2 years old, here's 153 pieces of my headgear in TREVOR's Hat Parade!
dark sailor hat w/ turned down brim and chin strap
March 22, 1958
Detroit MI
That's me in front on my 2nd birthday! This is the earliest picture I have of me in a hat. Pretty spiffy, huh? I still love merry-go-rounds, too! I'm pretty sure this is at the Detroit Zoo. That's where I wanted to go on my birthday that year. My older siblings, Ross, Jane, & Laura (left to right behind me), get to stay in the picture because they're all wearing hats, too!
folded newspaper party hat
March 22, 1959
Detroit MI
That's me second from the right on my 3rd birthday, with one more sibling than the photo just above: my next younger brother, Ian. (3 more sibs to go!). It was a Sunday, so we're still all dressed up in our Sunday best... except the
folder newspaper party hats that Ross and I are wearing, of course!
light sailor hat w/ turned down brim
August 1959
unknown location
Another of my early hats. I'm about 3-1/2 in this photo with my dad and sister Laura, and I actually remember this hat. It's a sailor's cap with the brim turned down all the way around.
flat-topped women's hat of some sort
circa December 1960
Ferndale MI
Evidently, I thought it pretty amusing to be in drag when I was 4+ years old. Don't have a clue what that is I'm wearing for hair, but check out that cool hat!
thick woolly hood

January 1961
Ferndale MI
I know that technically a hood may not count as a hat, but to me it is. Besides: my website, my rules. My dad built us a skating rink in our back yard. We spent a lot of time skating. Check out those cool 50's-style double runner skates, too!
P.S. That's my older brother Ross mostly hidden behind me.
white baseball cap with black brim

Summer 1964
Mississippi Palisades State Park
Savannah IL
Even as a kid, I wore hats a lot. This fine white baseball cap with a black brim is very, very similar to a hat I wore 46 years later in the Fall of 2008. That's my next younger brother Ian with me. We were really close as kids; shared a room most of our childhood; hung out together a lot; played together; talked together; palled around together; went to college together where we shared a room again. Then he got married and moved to the West Coast and we were out of touch for a long time. But now, thanks to email, we're back in touch again. It's great!
homemade Little Dutch Boy hat

Halloween 1967 (I think)
Des Plaines IL
My little dutch boy costume hat. I really liked it a lot. I'm pretty sure my mother made it. I'm also pretty sure it's based on the story of The Little Dutch Boy, you know, the one where he plugged the hole in the dike with his finger. Personally, I think of this photo as "My first foray into hats and long hair." I was briefly reunited with this wonderful piece of headgear 42 years later. You can see it in color (#7a) here.
striped engineer cap #1
Summer 1969 (I'm pretty sure)
Webster Groves MO
I'm 13 in this photo. In December of 1967, when I was 11, we moved to Webster Groves, Missouri. Within a week of moving in, I found this engineer's cap in the back mud room. Nobody knew where it came from and none of my siblings claimed it as theirs, so I assumed ownership and wore it nearly continuously until it literally fell apart. It was my first true love affair with a hat. I was really glad when I got a second one a few years later.
my Indian headdress
Christmas 1971
our family living room
In 1971, my little big sister, Laura (as opposed to my big
big sister, Jane), made me this way cool Indian headdress. It's based on
an authentic design, using mostly authentic materials. (They didn't
have felt then, but....) And every year since then,
I'm always an Indian Chief for Halloween because it's the only time I ever get to wear
The writing on the photo is Laura's, so I left it in to certify the authenticity of the photo. *smirk*
Below is a picture of the headdress in color at Moondance Comics at the Hampshire Mall in Hadley MA in 1986 . I like this picture because it says "GAMES" next to my head.
(So does this one.) I've got games on my mind! Pretty cool, huh?

plain old denim cap

August 1973
Fryeburg ME
The first in a long series of denim caps very similar to this. When this one wore out, I started making them myself out of old pants.
striped engineer cap #2
August 1974
somewhere in Maine or New Hampshire
I really liked my first engineer cap and was thrilled when I got another one somewhere. It only lasted a few years, though.
homemade brown corduroy hat #1

1978 or so
Of all the hats I made, this is my favorite. Brown was my favorite color at the time. Corduroy was my favorite material. And hats my favorite piece of clothing. What more could I possible ask for? You can see in this close-up that I did a pretty good job making it, too.
I made a second one of these several years later.
homemade denim cap
February 1980
our house
Huntingdon Valley PA (I'm fairly sure)
This was my "formal" look --- that's as close as it got! --- so we'd probably just gotten back from church or a formal dinner or something like that.
"pocket hat" with blue friendship ribbon

December 1982
Almont New Church Assembly
Almont MI
I made this hat out of a the seat of a dead pair of jeans. It was my second "pocket hat" (notice the pocket on the top). In November that year, the owner of our local health food store commissioned me to make eight of them for him to give to his nephews as gifts. I'm probably reading science fiction here, but I can't make out the title. I married this woman 16 years later. She loved me then, but I didn't have a clue.
4H Camp Howe hat

July 1984
Goshen MA
In 1984, I was the Assistant Director (in Charge of Programming) at 4-H Camp Howe, a two month residential summer camp next to the D.A.R. State Forest in Goshen MA. I wore this paper Camp Howe cap and a 4-H shirt (I had several) the entire time.
homemade brown corduroy hat #2
This is the second brown corduroy hat I made. (The first one is
here.) At first, when I found this picture, I assumed it was the same hat, but this one has a seam across the crown and the other one doesn't.
blue visor
May 22, 1986
Red Hill Park
Red Hill PA
This photo was taken at the Advanced Chiropractic client picnic. My brother-in-law, the owner, booked me to entertain his clients. The picnic was held at this great little park near his office. I basically stayed and played games all day as long as there was anyone who wanted to play. I don't wear visors very often, but it was really hot that day. I wanted my eyes shaded but not my head covered. Sounds like visor to me. This one's blue denim.
folded newspaper party hat

March 22, 1987
The Mansion
Northampton MA
folded newspaper hat was my headcovering of choice at my 31st birthday party. And those cool shades I'm wearing are rainbow glasses: the lenses create a prism effect that makes every point of light into a rainbow!
folded purple bandana headband

December 1989
Pulaski Park
Northampton MA
For a while there, I was really into bandanas both as head scarves and as headbands. This was part of a Christmas card photo. I guess I was into them because there's four photos of them in a row here.
red bandana
May, late 80's
Hartsbrook School
May Fair
Hadley MA
A standard red bandana. I just like this photo because it says "games" next my head really big. (So does this one.) I've got games on my mind! It's even better that the banner is the colors that I permanently adopted for my business in September 2000.
fancy yellow head scarf

July 1991
Amherst MA
This one's a fancy head scarf. My mother hated them. I always just wished they had a brim. It's a little hard to see it, but that's the tip end of my juggling stick you're viewing end-on above my right hand in front of the metal post on the building behind me. The juggling stick is actually about 2 feet long.
dark blue bandana
August 1991
Lost River
N. Woodstock NH
I don't remember this dark blue bandana at all, but I sure do remember my glass heart necklace!
red elf hat

August 1993
Passaconway NH
Ah! The elf hats! They were marketed as "Robin Hood hats" (like the green one my older older sister on the right is wearing), but I've always thought of the all other colors as "elf hats", so elf hats they are! My younger older sister found a pattern for these and made a whole bunch of them, so we all had one. I'm actually related to everybody in this picture (notice how we all have basically the same posture). It was Outing Day at camp. We spent the day on the Kancamaugus Scenic Byway (Rte 112) that runs half-way across New Hampshire from Conway to Lincoln. We were walking a nature trail at Passaconway and came around a bend in the trail, and there --- out in the middle of nowhere --- was this exhibit of fire fighting equipment. They've since taken this exhibit down. But notice the metal hard hat right in front of my beard? It is foreshadowing something yet to come.
red elf hat with feather
Christmas 1993 (?)
Sharon MA
This is the same elf hat as the one in the picture just above, but it looks pretty good with a feather. And you don't have to attach it or anything: just stick the shank of the feather into the felt and it stays put just fine.
blue heavy-duty denim camp
Leading games at camp. The kids behind me are being elephants. This is a very small part of the original photo, enlarge 2x, hence the graininess.
yellow elf hat with turned up sides
Lots of years later
in our living room
For some reason, I always wear the yellow elf cap with the edges turned up Robin Hood style.
knit Rasta hat

August 1993
Fryeburg New Church Assembly
Fryeburg ME
The FNCA Puzzle Club. On the left is my big big sister, Jane (as opposed to my little big sister, Laura). I really like the colors and pattern on the hat. And this photo really shows it off well. I should lean over and get a picture taken of the top of my hat more often.
small black cap with purple patterned headband
February 1995
in our Music Room
This hat is actually a little too small for me, so I didn't wear it much after I got it. It's basically a black cap with a purple hat band. It's a good shot of the hat band, but not a very good picture of the rest of the hat... but it's the best I can find.
reversible black, orange, and gold cap, side 2

September 1996
outside Fire & Water
Northampton MA
is the other side of the orange, gold, and black hat one photo down. I think of this as the "inside" of it or "side 2" since the other side is the one I nearly always wear facing out. Every
once in a while, however, I wear all black and this was my go-to cap for that. It seems like every time I wear all black, I get
lots of attention... especially from women. This time was no exception. I should probably do that
more often, too. By the way, in case you're curious, that's a Stop sign just above my hat.
reversible black, orange, and gold cap, side 1

Christmas 1996
Sharon MA
This black, orange, and gold Kofia-style of brimless African cap was one of my favorite brimless caps for a long time. I must admit, I very much prefer a cap with a brim (my eyes are overly light sensitive), but this cap manages to overcome that on its own merits. This is Christmas Day at my parents house, and that's my two terrific teenage kids with me.
Side 2, or this "inside", of this cap is one photo up.
homemade black eagle hat
December 1996
Sharon MA
My father was a total groupie for the New Black Eagles Jazz Band, a dixieland band in the Boston area. He went to tons of their shows, knew all their songs, bought all their recordings, knew all their musicians, knew all their substitute musicians, knew their wives and children, too. Etc., etc., etc. For his 80th birthday party, I hired the band to play at a party we threw for him in his back yard, but I didn't tell him ahead of time that I'd hired the band. He complained bitterly before the party for weeks : told us we couldn't have a party, couldn't have it at his house, he wouldn't go, yadda, yadda, yadda. That all stopped the moment the band showed up! My mother made me this authentic black eagle hat as a tribute to the band. I kept it in a place on honor on my dresser for at least 2 decades.
(Compare it to my other bird hat.)
"modern" winter toque
February 25, 1998
Sharon MA
My mother knits. Well, at least she did until she was in her mid-70's and her fingers just wouldn't do it any more. She knit sweaters, vests, socks, slippers, scarves, mittens, gloves, stuffed animals, puppets (both hand- and finger-), ornaments, and --- of course --- hats! I have quite a few hats Mom made, and this is a typical example of one of what she humorously (well, humorously to me, anyways) called her "modern" winter hats.
yellow baseball cap
May 1998
Agawam MA
I have had a boodle of standard, all-cotton, solid colored, brimmed caps, but this was one of my favorites because yellow is my favorite color and plain yellow, all-cotton, brimmed caps are so very hard to find. This one died a cruel and bitter death when I wore it to a huge bonfire. First it got all sweaty. Then it got all sooty. And then it never got better. I tried everything to get the black out, but to no avail. Now I only wear dark colored hats near fires.
my 1st gig hat
felt Cat in the Hat hat
June 6, 1998
Mountain Road Schoolhouse picnic
Gill Elementary School
Gill MA
I've been wearing a red and yellow Cat in the Hat hat as part of my
professional attire since 1991 when my best friend bought me this felt one
at a fair. When he gave it to me, he said, "You need this." Since I love hats so much, it was great to have
one that: A) I liked, B) I could wear to work, and C) was actually
appropriate. Thanks Don! When that one wore out, I started making them
myself since I've never, ever found another for sale anywhere with this particular color
I tried various methods to make it stand up straight. Here, it's stuffed with balled up newspaper. But when I sweated (as you can imagine I would wearing a felt hat in June), the newsprint got plastered onto my head and not only stuck little bits of paper in my hair but left ink stains on my forehead. I tried using a balloon next, but that was even hotter. I eventually figured out to use plastic cross-stitch sheets from the fabric store. It's basically plastic screen in various standard cross-stitch sizes. I just rolled the correct size into a tube, stuck it up inside my hat, and let it unroll to full size, and it works like a charm. It both holds my hat in shape and lets the heat out, too.
This hat lasted until 2001, a full decade.
The Mountain Road School day care center in Gill MA booked me every
year for their end of the year picnic from 1990 until the owner retired
in 2005 — 16 years in a row (only two other events have booked me that many times in a row). Above, I'm holding an alligator head on a handle toy that when you squeeze the
red trigger, the jaws of the alligator at the other end open and close. I had just given a volunteer child a pretend haircut with it, and then offhandedly said, "Does anyone else want a little trim?" I was instantly mobbed by this crowd of excited kids all wanting haircuts!
second gig hat, I made out of cloth so it wouldn't be so hot.
third gig hat was was like the second expect it had a floppy brim I didn't really like.
fourth gig hat, I very carefully made the brim big enough
and stiff. I really like it.
reversible brimless purple hat, solid purple side

Summer 1998
The Potholes
Shelburne Falls MA
One of my many purple hats. This one is reversible, although I rarely wear the other side out. Nothing wrong with it, I just like the solid purple side better. The Potholes was a very popular swimming spot that has since been closed to the public. It's really amazing. There's dozens and dozens of naturally-formed potholes like this one throughout the entire area. Plus waterfalls, monster-sized rocks, shallow and deep pools all over the place, jumping spots, sunning spots, and a large, clear pool at the bottom. This particular pothole I'm sitting on the edge of is so wide that I can't touch both sides from the middle. It's also about 15 feet deep. My lovely wife also took some pix of me down inside it, but this one shows the hat better.
steel hard hat

October 2, 1998
in our Music Room
My hard hat! I love my hard hat. My lovely wife doesn't. This photo was taken at my bachelor party the night before our wedding. I was wearing this hat when I proposed to her three months earlier on the top of "Mount" Jockey Cap in Fryeburg ME. She asked me take to it off when we had a stranger click a photo of us to commemorate the occasion. I picked up this hat at a tag sale for $5. They don't make them like this any more. They're all yellow plastic now. I was wearing it in Maine in August 1998 while canoeing with my lovely wife-to-be. As we approached the Fryeburg town beach, some guy on shore offered me $20 for it. Of course I turned him down: I LOVE MY HARD HAT! And then, at the far end of the beach, some tough guy got all huffy with me. He started wading out towards us yelling, "What are you doing wearing that? Take that off! You have no right to wear that!" He was pretty angry! I yelled back, "I LOVE MY HARD HAT! I'll wear it any time I want! If you don't love your hard hat, maybe you should get a different job!" That cooled him off a bit, but I was glad we were well out of reach the whole time. I still love my hard hat.
It was foreshadowed in August 1993 here.
And referred to in another hat photo's text here.
I also have this yellow plastic kids hard hat and this white plastic hard hat, too.
my wedding hat

October 3, 1998
Bridgewater MA
Our wedding photo. My wedding hat. My lovely wife. Smoooooch! I just love her. She's the best! Love my wedding hat, too. I only wear it to church, on our anniversary, on Valentine's Day, to weddings, and on other special occasions that we do together as a couple. The rest of the time, it stays in a special place on my dresser in our bedroom.
My sweetheart's first appearance on this page is here.
Here's what the top of my wedding hat looks like, and a better representation of its true colors:
August 2014
Fryeburg New Church Assembly
Fryeburg ME
large sombrero

October 1998
St John
U.S. Virgin Islands
We went to St John for our honeymoon. It was simply fabulous. 90+% of the island is a State Park, so it's almost completely undeveloped. I carried this hat on the plane because I know I'd need a big beach hat. I got some funny looks in the airport on the New England end, but since when has that ever bothered me?
This photo was taken the same afternoon as the next photo down.
P.S. This is the hat on the lower right corner of my Wicker Hat Wall below at 2/29/8 along with my 2nd sombrero.
P.P.S. My 3rd sombrero is here.
facemask w/ snorkel
October 1998
St John
U.S. Virgin Islands
Yeah, I know, technically it's not a hat, but it is headgear, okay? Like I said near the top of the page: my website, my rules. Snorkeling here was absolutely one of the most awesome things I've ever done. And St John has the only underwater self-guided snorkeling tour trail in the world! Truly amazing.
All the beaches there are very fine, pure white sand because it's all just ground up coral. The water really is that color. And it's warm as toast all the time. That dark stripe across the water just above my flippers is about 30 feet wide and goes from the surface all the way down to the ocean floor. It's solid fish! All sorts of different kinds! Those three birds you can see floating on the surface near them are feeding. There were actually about a dozen of them, but the others were all underwater when this photo was taken. I had just finished spending about 20 minutes actually swimming around in that stripe of fish! They didn't seem to mind at all. It was stunning to be swimming around in a very, very thick school of fish! They were so, so close all around me, but none of them actually touched me! And I couldn't touch them no matter how hard I tried. They were so close that I kept thinking I could easily just reach my hand out and touch one, but no matter how slow or fast I tried, they never let me get that close!
This photo was taken the same afternoon as the one just above it.
semi-shiny red and purple brimless hat
November 1998
Pennsburg PA
Every November, we go to my sister Laura's for Thanksgiving. This was taken by one of her boys while I was sitting in my truck in their driveway just after I arrived.
Snoopy hat
Christmas 1998
East Burke VT
My mother-in-law (at far right) gave me this Snoopy hat for Christmas. I gave everyone who was willing to wear it, one of these shiny masks. These are the four who dared!
multi-colored knit beret
June 1999
Chelsea VT
My dear darling daughter made this one for me (she knows what I like). It's a little itchy, which is why I always wear it above my hairline or with something cotton under it. This is one of my favorite photos of me. It's taken at this really cool lodge out in the middle of nowhere that my parents-in-law used to rent for family weekends a few times a year before they moved to Vermont full-time. By the way, those are three bubbles blown by my life-long friend Shelley Dolley in front of my hat, arm, and the porch deck.
reversible brimless purple hat, patterned side
Fall 2000
the Quabbin Reservoir
Belchertown MA
Remember that all-purple hat from the Potholes a few pictures above that I said I rarely wear the other side out? This is the other side.
paper crowns
March 22, 2001 (I think)
in our living room
These paper crown were a gift from my performers guild friend Chris on my 45th birthday. We only wore them that day (they're really thin paper), but she's my queen and I'm her king no matter what!
my 2nd gig hat
cloth Cat in the Hat hat #1
July 4, 2001
4th of July Parade
Chesterfield MA
My original felt gig hat lasted an entire decade, and when it finally wore out in 2001, I looked high and low for another stove pipe hat with a red & yellow color scheme, but to no avail. So I made my own. I've made lots of other hats in my time, so this was not an unusual decision. However, since the first was was made of felt and hence was so hot in the summer, I decided to make this one out of cotton fabric. It come out pretty well, don't you think? This may have been it's debut. It served me well for 8 years, until the Fall of 2009.
My first gig hat was made of felt and was very hot in warm weather.
My third gig hat was was like the second expect it had a floppy brim I didn't really like.
My fourth gig hat, I very carefully made the brim big enough and stiff. I really like it.
all white baseball cap

July 17, 2004
Lawson Park
Webster Groves MO
This is the only time I ever wore this white cap. (It's NOT the same as this 2009 one or the one just below it.) Something extremely divisive had just happened in my life. I don't remember what it was, but I was very sensitive about not being the bad guy so I wore a white hat that weekend!
This was at a very wonderful 30th reunion of the friends I hung out with in 9th grade in Webster Groves who had started a commune together after graduating from high school. My family moved to the East Coast the summer after 9th grade, but my next younger brother Ian and I went back to Missouri to visit them the summer after they started it. It was a lot of fun to see everyone again back then. And then 30 years later, it was a lot of fun to see them all again! Ian drove from his home on the West Coast, I drove from mine on the East Coast, and we met in the middle. It was terrific! It was especially cool to catch up with my old girl friend and the other five people in my immediate circle of close friends, meet their significant others, and pal around like old times for the weekend.
And the funny thing is, the other two guys in our group that are also hat people also wore white hats! We're all good guys!
khaki baseball cap

2006 (I think)
Mt Tom State Park
Goat's Peak lookout tower
Holyoke MA
Standard tan brimmed cap with a view.
I do have another khaki baseball cap.
low crowned straw hat
early 2000andsomething
on the Saco River
Fryeburg ME
A low crown straw hat that I probably picked up at the Fryeburg Flea Market that summer.
purple baseball cap

early 2000andsomething
Another standard brimmed cap. Another purple hat.
genuine red French beret

August 2000
Fryeburg ME
When my darling daughter was 18, she went to France as an exchange student and brought me back this genuine French wool beret. Oui, oui. Merci beaucoup, ma favori jeune fille! The funny thing was, she went during the summer, so she didn't actually have to go to school there when she was an exchange student. This photo was taken in my brother's converted Greyhound bus camper when he drove it all the way across the country from the state of Washington.
plaid baseball cap

Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory
Deerfield MA
This is one of the very few brimmed caps I've owned that isn't a solid color. But if you wear red or yellow to a live butterfly place, the butterflies will land on your clothing! It's awesome!
Below is a 1996 photo titled "Hat Twins": me in the same hat, with my niece in a matching tam, and the two of us both wearing yellow shirts and blue jeans (although you can't see hers.
dark blue baseball cap
May 2005 (I think)
Hardwick MA
And once again, a standard brimmed cap. This one is blue. I really like this photo of me with my two favorite ribbon dancers. It was taken at the annual May Pole camp-out weekend that I've been going to for a couple of decades now. I'm walking in the annual Sunday morning May Pole processional. (You can find a photo of lots of us waving ribbon dancers around the May Pole at this event at the top of my Project: Ribbon Dancer page.)
large brimmed dark blue baseball cap
October 2005 (?)
Rte 91 North somewhere in Vermont
en route to the Northeast Kingdom
This is a blue baseball cap with an extra large brim. I really like the brim size, but the entire hat is just a little too big for my comfort. It's not adjustable, so I'm always afraid it's going to fall off, or get blown off, or something.
dark green baseball cap
This was favorite "every day" hat for quite a while. In fact, I'm wearing it right now as I type this about a year later. I like this photo a lot, too. I look good! I think of this pic as "My beard may be turning grey, but I've still got my youthful fu manchu!"
Happy Leap Day 2008!
My lovely wife had her new digital camera out February 29, 2008, so I had her take a bunch of hat photos. These are all hats I've had a long time, I just don't think I'm going to ever find a photo of any of them that's closer to when I actually acquired them. So the next nine photos were all taken on Leap Day 2008.
The Wicker Hat Wall
The lower right one went to St. John on our honeymoon. You can see it there
The same wall from the other side with me hamming hatless for the camera!
flat-sided domed sombrero
The flat-sided dome sombrero, which is top right on the Wicker Hat Wall above. (The lower sombrero on the Wicker Hat Wall is
way up above in the Hat Parade on our awesome honeymoon on St. John, USVI!) (My 3rd sombrero is
53. 54.
large coolie hat small coolie hat
My two coolie hats --- also from the Wicker Hat Wall. The one on the left is larger and domed; the one on the right is smaller and conical. I like the one on the right better because it has a 4" wicker ring inside the peak that makes it sit comfortably on my head, plus a strap that ties under the chin. What looks like a big hoop earring on my left ear is actually one of two big wicker loops that are attached to the head ring, one on either side, with a tie string attached to one. Very comfortable. The other hat certainly stops more sun, but doesn't stay on if you move your head! (Just for the record, the other wicker hat on the wall --- the one with the colorful headband --- isn't mine... it's my lovely wife's.)
This one's not on the Wicker Hat Wall. It's on the dress-up shelf in my Play Room.
Straw cowboy hat #2 is
safari hat
My safari hat is also on the dress-up shelf in my Play Room. (By the way, We're Going an a Safari is a great game!)
cardboard Stars & Stripes top hat
I wrote a patriotic country song back in 1977 when I was very involved with politics. It's got fiddles and twangy guitars and only three chords. It starts out:
"I love my country and my country loves me.
What's good enough for Uncle Sam is good enough for me.
I love my country, I won't tell you no fiction.
But how come what I want wasn't good enough for Nixon?"
"I write my congressmen at least twice a year,
Salute to Old Glory whenever she is near.
I help to clean up our national parks and beaches.
I even listen to all of the president's speeches."
(lyrics © 2008 TREVOR)
It's a pretty good song. Some decade, maybe I'll even get a country band to play it someday
hard black plastic top hat
This one is solid plastic and very uncomfortable. Very distinguished, though.
Chinese pagoda hat
My daughter bought me this pagoda hat at the Hiawatha Traditional Music Festival in Marquette MI and gave it to me when she came to camp in Fryeburg later that year. That year at camp, I wore it every morning on the way to
Polar Bear Swim. It now holds a place of honor in my Play Room.
yellow plastic kids hard hat
Aren't I macho? My plastic construction worker hat is in my Play Room, but not on the dress-up shelf. Nope, this one is on the toy tools shelf where it belongs! By the way, yellow hard hats are for general laborers and earth moving operators. I have a white plastic hard hat and a real steel hard hat, too.
winter USA toque
March 17, 2008
Sanderson Brook Falls
Chester MA
My lovely wife and I got to go on a sunny day hike! We'd been wanting to do this for about a month --- ever since my lovely wife (thankfully!) lost her dumb job. This is red and white toque doesn't get worn very often because it's an "emergency hat" that I keep behind the seat of my truck just in case I'm somewhere cold without proper winterware. And this was just such a case. It was pretty warm and most of the snow had melted at our place, but by the time we'd driven the hour to Chester we were surrounded by snow and it was windy and chilly. This red & black flannel overshirt is also "emergency" clothing I keep in my truck. I'm wearing it over my jacket. This stuff has saved my bacon so many times, I'm just glad I'm that organized.
In the distance over my shoulder, you can see the waterfall that was our destination. You can see the upper 20' or so of what is actually about 40' of cascades down the cliffside. I was really happy that we could see the falls from the main trail --- which was a really easy climb --- because the side trail down into the ravine to the base of the falls is only about 12" wide on a very steep hill... and it was covered with ice and snow. Oh yes, plus the access trail itself was not cut level into the hill: at several places it tipped at a big angle down the hillside: kind of treacherous-looking in the ice and snow. So we decided not to chance it --- hence the gladness at being able to see the falls from up on the main trail. We'll go back sometime when there's no snow to get a close up view.
Just a ½-minute walk above this view of the falls, we found a big rock in the sun that was a perfect spot for our picnic. The rock had obviously been in the sun for hours because it was actually a little warm to the touch. So we sat on the rock with the sun in our faces and the sound of a roaring waterfall in the background and had a delightful lunch before heading back down the trail. What a great day trip!
By the way, this is a "USA hat" because, although you can't see it in this picture, somewhere around the white part (probably in the back here) it says "USA" in big red letters.
Easter Sunday
March 23, 2008
So, I used to store a boodle of my hats on top of my dresser. After we got home from church and lunch at a nice restaurant, I tapped my lovely wife to do another hat photo shoot (like the one of the Wicker Hat Wall about a month ago) of just about everything up there. So the next fifteen photos are various hats from the top of my bureau except the sundry brimmed caps from the big pile on the right that already appear somewhere earlier in the Hat Parade.
Be sure not to notice how I sneakily changed shirts between every hat and how we shot each one in a different location in the house so you wouldn't think all these shots were taken on the same day. Don't notice that. And in case you didn't notice something else, let me point out my black eagle hat in it's place of honor on the lower part of my dresser, back left. That wooden thing in front of it holds my wedding hat, keeping it in shape when I'm not wearing it, which I obviously was at the time of this photo. We had just gotten home from church, and I always wear my wedding hat to church. I think it's somehow totally appropriate to wear my wedding hat to church.
traditional businessman's hat
Ah, my "conservative hat". This is my attempt to look like a normal adult male. I wear this one when I have to do something official or government related, like jury duty or talk to lawyers, so they'll think well of me instead of judging my strictly by my definitely non-conservative appearance. I like to think it works. (Yeah, right.)
multi-colored, splotchy brimless cap
This colorful, thin fabric, blue beret-style hat is too small for me, so I never wear it.
African kufi hat
I have very ambivalent feelings about this brimless quilt kufi because some of the adjacent fabrics in it kind of clash, plus the other side of it is all dark, muddy colors. Not to mention that it doesn't have a brim. And it's also just a little too small for me. I never wear it either.
itchy knit winter hat

This warm, winter hat does have a nice little brim (which is hard to see in this photo because you're viewing it edge-on), but I still don't wear it because I have to wear something cotton under it because it's just too itchy.
Shortly after I moved into this house in 1988, my elderly farmer neighbors, Roger and Jenny, across the street had a huge tag sale that included everything from old tractors and other ancient farming equipment to old lady clothes to children's toys from the 60's and 70's plus all sorts of weird and wonderful white elephant items. It was a lot of fun to repeatedly walk across the street and browse through what they had out because throughout the weekend, as space became available on the lawn when big items sold, they'd drag even more unusual stuff out of the barn. There were quite a few items that I had no idea what they were.
Anyways, I actually found a few items I wanted. But when I went to pay Jenny, she got all amused that I'd picked out this hat. She was so excited that she ran into the house and dragged out her grown-up daughter who was helping with the tag sale to show her how I looked in this hat because it used to be her daughter's hat. They both got a big laugh out of me buying a "girl's hat". Ha, ha, ho, ho hee, hee, hee. Frankly, I couldn't find anything gender specific about it at all, and it keeps my male head warm just fine. And even though it's itchy, I still like it.
light-up visor

Early on in my professional career, I wanted my name to actually appear in the picture when my photo got in the paper. So the day before I was stiltwalking at the Amherst MA 4th of July fireworks, I wrote my name across the front of this blinking light visor. I did get my picture in the paper that day, but it was from so far away that you couldn't read my name anyways. But the lights were good because part of the time I was scheduled there was after dark, so not only would people notice my height at night, but low-flying aircraft wouldn't hit me either!
swirly orange and yellow patterned cap

This is a very thin summer cap. I like the orange and yellow swirly patterns on it. It's the only orange hat I own.
This map I'm looking at is a Peter's Projection map. It shows land masses at the poles, at the equator, and everywhere in between with equal area. Plus, it also actually has the equator across the middle of the map. Traditional Mercator maps (the ones we're all used to) expand the land masses at the poles and shrink the one's at the equator so they'll fit into an equal sized grid; but an the Peter's Projection map, the grid gets bigger as you get closer to the equator. The result is that you can look at two different areas on the map and compare actual size.
Mercator maps also place the equator roughly a third of the way up from the bottom so that the northern hemisphere is twice the size of the southern hemisphere. (If you never noticed this before, you'll notice it from now on.) This means that the north appears significantly larger than the south.
The right side of this wall map has a column about the discriminatory features that the Peter's Projection fixes. And across the bottom are several comparisons of land masses above and below the equator on traditional Mercator maps. For instance, next to my wrist there, the old U.S.S.R. seems to be more than twice the size of Africa, but reality is that Africa is 11.6 million square miles in area but the Soviet Union only covered 8.7 million square miles: Africa is actually a full third-again bigger! But you could never learn that from looking at a Mercator map. And like most people in the northern hemisphere, I didn't have the foggiest idea how significantly big the continents and countries in the southern hemisphere really are because all my life, just like everyone else, all I've seen in northern-centric Mercator maps.
Peter's Projection maps rock!
jester hat
This jester hat and I have a bad history, but my lovely wife the photographer tells me this is a good picture of me, so I guess the hat just lucked out.
green flower print headscarf
An oversized green head scarf that I really like.
blue flower motif print headscarf
A blue print head scarf and Scott Joplin. What more could I possibly need?
large peach colored headscarf
The actual reason I like this light peach colored head scarf is because it's huge! I can wrap it around my head, and there's plenty of end left to tie in the back. It's also pretty thick fabric, so it's really warm!
My upright bass is my favorite instrument. Hands down.
Amish hat
My black, Amish, Sunday-go-to-Meeting felt hat looks really good with my suit. (That darker stripe across the front of the hat is actually a shadow.) It's also very comfortable, and warm, too. Those Amish make really good clothing. Check out terrific Amish stuff in the Gohn Brothers catalog.
wicker cowboy hat
This "wicker" cowboy hat actually has wires woven in at select places so that you can shape the hat to your liking. Unfortunately, there's none in the upper part and it has become permanently squished so that it kind of squeezes my head and then if I get too active it comes popping off!
The painting is by my mother. She got into watercolors in the 1980's and painted extensively for about 15 years. I have quite a few of her paintings all of which I really love. This one is of the front porch of my parents house where they lived for 30+ years. I only lived there for 3 years.
straw cowboy hat #2
A standard straw cowboy hat.
Straw cowboy hat #1 is
ratty piece of junk straw hat
This ratty piece of junk was given to me by a hitch-hiker who believed that if anyone gave you anything, you had a cultural obligation to give something in return. And since I was giving him a ride, I was morally obligated to accept something (this hat) from him so as not to unbalance his karma or something.
It was completely falling apart. And so as to not disappoint some hitchhiker guy that I'll never, ever see again, I went down to our local yarn store and bought some matching embroidery floss and spent hours and hours during boring lectures and classes weaving it back together.
In th

e inset at right, you can see a close up of the work I had to do to make it wearable. I actually enjoyed the handwork. I'd never done anything like it before, and it was kinda fun to see if I could make it all blend in. I think I had modest success.
So, after all that work, I began wearing this desperate thing that summer. A week later, I tossed it on the floor of my truck. One day later a passenger got his bag caught on it and ripped the other side all apart. And since I wasn't going to spend any more time on it, you get to see this side.
"The Games Man" decal tie dye baseball cap
Someone once made me some iron-on decals with my old logo on them for my birthday. They also ironed one onto this hat that's just a little too small for my head. I tried wearing it for a while, but it was just too tight so I didn't wear it any more.
white River Valley Market cap

May 11, 2008
Island Pond VT
My River Valley Market cap with an added yellow hat band (from our annual May Day family camp-out weekend). I've gotten into lots of conversations about our big, new food co-op in Northampton MA because I wore this hat all the time for over a year. People are pretty excited about what we've accomplished together... even the few that have never heard of it before. I've gotten a lot of positive comments on the hat band, too.
Check out the updated version of this hat here.
Greek fisherman's cap

November 18, 2008
our bedroom
My lovely wife's fairy godmother inherited a house and asked her for help cleaning it up. They discovered that the basement was chock full of tools — like really chock FULL. And since our summer camp had put out a plea for tools last season, I decided to go along with her and get some. I brought three suitcases FULL of tools... and that basement didn't look like a single tool was taken, that's how chock FULL of tools the basement was. My lovely wife brought home a bunch of stuff, but all I got for myself was two little wooden sailboat fridge magnets and this Greek fisherman's cap that I really like. (Here's another one.)
double-knit toque

January 3, 2009
Bellows Falls VT
This is my standard winter hat, a sort of brick red, acrylic, double knit toque. Very, very warm. It's deep enough for me to pull it all the way down and then turn the edge up and have a four-ply layer over my ears. It wasn't quite that cold this particular day though, so it's not pulled down quite that far. It lives in the pocket of my winter coat --- the vintage WWII wool army coat you can see here. It's very, very warm, too!
white baseball cap with black brim
March 3, 2009
In front of our yellow bookcase
once in a while, my lovely wife gets tired of one of my hats that I
just love and I have to quick scramble and find something else to wear
that won't bother her. This time around, this plain white baseball cap
with a black brim that a former housemate left served the trick for a
month or so last Fall until I got my black yachting cap 2 photos down. I
had to get her to take a picture of me in it a few hats later because
there weren't any of me in it in September and October of 2008 when I
actually was wearing it every day. This hat is definitely a
deja vu of a
very similar hat I wore as a 7 or 8-year-old kid way back in 1963or4.
homemade Little Dutch Boy hat
April 18, 2009
Willamsburg MA
Way back in 1967, when I was 11 years old, I was a "Little Dutch Boy" for Halloween and wore a goofy hat with yellow yarn hair attached to it. 42 years later, I'm at our regular monthly clan gathering and potluck at my nephew's house when they start passing this hat around. Nobody would try it on but me, and when I did I got this vivid deja vu feeling that just filled my entire being.
If you compare this hat with the one fourth down from the top here (#6a) in my Hat Parade, you may became as convinced as I am that it's the very same hat! My mom made this.
white baseball cap #2
August 2009
Fryeburg New Church Assembly
Fryeburg ME
A plain white baseball cap that I keep at camp in case I need a hat. I needed it that day.
It's not the same as the one just below or
this 2004 one.
white baseball cap #3
December 21, 2009
our house
This white baseball cap is one of my "quick substitute hats" that I occasionally wear when I can't wear the one I really
want to wear because it's in the wash or something. (It's NOT the same as the one just above or this 2004 one.)
And, just in case
you want to know, that's two hunks of Siljans Knackebrod (huge, round,
whole-grain, Swedish rye crisp crackers) seen edge-on in a mug of my lovely wife's chili. The original photo was captioned: "Good chili in here!"
My lovely wife took this photo. She also took the one on the wall you can see behind me as well as the one above it that you can't see.
"Let Your Light Shine" light-up baseball cap #1
June 9, 2010
on top of Jockey Cap "Mtn."
Fryeburg ME
Memorial Day Weekend every year is Work Weekend at camp. This year, like several recent years, there was also a teen retreat going on there at the same time. As usual, my lovely wife, the camp registrar at the time, was at Work Weekend doing camp registrar stuff, but she didn't have time for one fairly large project that she had hoped to get done, so a week later, the two of us drove up together for a delightful 4-day stay there alone. We practically had the whole place to ourselves. It was GREAT! She completed her project and I put in 12-16 hours a day building the camp's new website from scratch. It went live the following day.
Well, to get to the point of this story, one of the minor chores we attended to was sifting through all the stuff the teens left behind that was in the Lost & Found. One of the things was a bag with several brand-new items in it including this very cool hat that just totally resonates with me. The back says: "Live Your Love" --- which I do big time! And the front says: "Let Your Light Shine" --- and guess what? It does! If you look carefully at the brim of the hat you'll see two tiny headlights that light up quite brightly when you slide the switch in the center of the hat strap in the back! So I'd like to thank some anonymous teen from the Swedenborgian Youth League for this wonderful piece of brand-new headgear: the Hat with Headlights!
P.S. I got a second one of these two years later under nearly the same conditions!
P.P..S. The top of Jockey Cap "Mtn." where this photo was taken is where I proposed to my lovely wife nearly 12 years ago. I was wearing my steel hard hat at the time.
P.P.P.S. "Mtn" is in quotes in the P.P.S. above because although that's what is says on the sign at the bottom of the trail, nobody local ever actually calls it a "mountain" since you can easily walk up it in less than 10 minutes! It's just called "Jockey Cap" everybody, okay?
my 3rd gig hat
cloth Cat in the Hat hat #2
October 10, 2010
Topsfield Fair
Topsfield MA
True Confessions: When I made this version of my gig hat, I never really liked the floppy, not-quite-big-enough brim. Nonetheless, I still wore it for a good seven or so years without ever doing a single thing to at least just stiffen it up a bit. It's not like I didn't know how, since all the hats that I've made before this had had stiff brims... I just didn't do it this time around for some reason. Oh well. Nobody complained about it but me, so I guess it still worked just fine.
My first gig hat was made of felt and was really hot in warm weather.
My second gig hat was better because I made it out of cloth.
My fourth gig hat, I very carefully made the brim big enough and stiff. I really like it.
lightish green baseball cap

June 9, 2011
next to one of Mom's paintings
It was time for a new hat. I tried on several. This was one of two that made the finals. I wasn't too sure about the color though: it's not a color I wear a lot and I think it probably clashes with several of my plaid winter shirts, but my lovely wife said it's okay, so I bought it. Sure looks good with this deep blue tank top, though.
Chinese mandarin-style cap with long tassel
August 13, 2011
Fryeburg New Church Assembly
Fryeburg ME
Every once in a while, something totally unexpected comes in over the transom. In this case it was our old camp friend Jim Lowe and his lovely wife Betty gave me a present completely out of the blue last Monday: this hat. When someone asked him where he got it, he replied, "I bought it from a little old wizard downtown." I don't know why Jim would think
someone like me would like a hat like this... but let me tell you: he's right!
Taking a picture of it that shows its true character, however, was a
little tough since I wanted to show not only the crown design, but
also the headband pattern and the long yellow tassel that has been hanging down my back for the past week! It took about 20 tries but I think I nailed it, folks.
Here's what it looks like from the side. --------->
strapless khaki baseball cap
November 3, 2011
in our Music Room
One of three free baseball caps I snagged this summer that have been sitting on my dresser waiting to be worn. I like this tan cap because, as you can see in the photo, it's solid all the way around the back... it doesn't have a buckled strap or any sort of tightening device that can be just so uncomfortable to lean back against. And no hole back there to let the draft in either.
"Let Your Light Shine" light-up baseball cap #2

August 7, 2012
Fryeburg New Church Assembly
Fryeburg ME
This is the second light-up "Let Your Light Shine" hat I scrounged from the Lost & Found at camp. It's a flashlight in a hat! See those two little shiny spots on the front edge of the brim? Those are headlights! It's perfect for camp because I don't have to carry a flashlight around at night.
This one is definitely a design improvement over the old one which had a rather hard-to-use, little, tiny, on/off slider switch on the adjustment strap around the back. But this new one has a very easy-to-use push button switch built into the brim of the hat in a very ergonomic place. Just reach up and squeeze the hat brim, and the lights come on! I admit, however, that when I clip this hat to my belt, sometimes I sit on the brim and accidentally turn the lights on by mistake. :D
"Apple Spree" straw hat
September 30, 2012
at our house
At River Valley Market's "Apple Spree" event at Look Park in Northampton, they were giving out 100+ of these straw hats for free. I, of course, had to have one, along with the event button which I pinned onto it. Much to many of the RVM staff's pleasure, I wore it for about 6 weeks as my regular daily hat until it got too cold for it in mid-November. Regularly during that time, complete strangers would say things to me like (and these are actual quotes) "Are you with the Jesse James gang?", "Are you [famous country singer]?", and the inexplicable "You're wearing a straw hat."
Home-Made Purple Corduroy Beret

March 8, 2013
Smith College
Lyman Plant House "jungle room"
Northampton MA
March 8, 2013
I had a Hat Party and my son didn't have one (he pretty much doesn't wear hats), so my daughter quickly whipped up this one out of a piece of dark purple corduroy. And, lucky for me, I got to keep it after the party! Here I am, hugging a banana tree in the "jungle room" of the greenhouses at the Smith College Botanical Gardens.
chef's hat
August 18, 2013
Fryeburg New Church
Fryeburg ME
This chef's hat was mixed in with a room crammed full of stuff left over from the Fryeburg New Church (as opposed to the Fryeburg New Church Assembly, which is different) annual flea market and tag sale. I, of course, put it on and wore it while browsing the rest of the stuff. During that 10-15 minutes, several women told me how good I look in it, that it really brought out the white in my beard perfectly, etc, etc; so of course I bought it. It now lives in our Play Room in the dress-up drawer.
dark blue baseball cap
March 22, 2014
Bela Restaurant
Northampton MA
On my birthday, my lovely wife takes me out for dinner at my favorite local vegetarian eatery: Bela Restaurant. I pretty much order the same thing every time I'm there... unless, of course, there's something
way more interesting on the specials board. To quote the menu:
• Veggie Cutlet – made in-house, served with buttery mashed potatoes, gravy and a small salad $9.
This hat is a standard navy blue baseball cap. Nothing special, but it looks brand new in this photo so I suspect it was a 58th birthday present that morning from my lovely wife.
Dorfman Pacific 3-season hat

September 4, 2014
my (grand)daughter's house
Windsor CT
This fine Dorfman Pacific all-cotton 3-season hat has an aeration strip above the hatband to let hot air out and cool air in. It's fairly lightweight for its size due, in part, to that aeration strip. I've wanted one of these for decades, ever since one of my Hats Off Performers Guild friends began wearing one back in the 90's. So I was thrilled when I snagged this one from a free pile somewhere. It's my new Everyday Hat. And isn't my newborn-that-day granddaughter (my second!) absolutely adorable!!!
neon orange hat with reflective hatband
March 20, 2015
in the Play Room at our house
In October of 2012, I became an avid biker when I snagged an old mountain bike (the red one in the background) in a free pile on the side of the road. I spent $128 having it fixed up and made road-worthy. And shortly after my first ride, because I was getting so little exercise, I made a commitment to myself to ride every single day, year round. At first, my goal was 1/2 hour a day; but within a year, I was averaging over an hour a day and 400-500 miles a month!
This is me in my full It's Snowing Outside winter riding gear. I only wear this neon orange with yellow and silver reflective stripes nylon hat under very strict conditions: only when I'm biking (it's pretty goofy otherwise!), visibility has to be low (I want vehicles to SEE me!), it has to be cold outside (otherwise this hat makes me sweat!).
By the way, you can't see it very well in this picture, but nearly every ride I do --- unless it's above 80° or so --- I wear the nearly matching orange vest with yellow reflective stripes in the photo (Thank you, my lovely wife!). It has a battery pack that powers four very brightly flashing lights front and rear. Now that's visibility!
my 4th gig hat
cloth Cat in the Hat hat #3
June 18, 2015
Strawberry Ice Cream Social
River Valley Co-op
Northampton MA
I never really liked the narrow, floppy brim on my previous gig hat, so when I made this one (some time between October 2013 and March 2014), I purposely gave it an extra wide, stiff yet shape-able brim. I am very, very, very pleased with it!
This photo was taken from partway up the outside stairs on the front of the Co-op. It has become one of my all-time favorite pictures of me at work — this is how the world looks to me when I'm stiltwalking, folks!
My first gig hat was felt and really hot in warm weather.
My second gig hat was better because I made it out of cloth.
My third gig hat was like the second one expect it had a floppy brim I didn't really like.
light blue gardening hat

April 27, 2015
inspecting my asparagus bed for new growth
Officially, this light blue hat is called a bucket hat or a tennis hat, but it's also widely know as a Gilligan's hat, popularized by the title character who always wore one in the 1960's tv show Gilligan's Island. Because I don't really care for this style of hat, a few years ago, I decided that this would be my gardening hat since I wouldn't really care if it got dirty, grubby, splotchy, or even (*choke*sputter*) ruined completely. I wear it pretty much all the time when I'm working in the garden. I've gotten used to it over the last few years and don't really mind it so much any more. It, on the other hand, doesn't really seem to be wearing out very fast either. Go figure.
NOTE: It finally bit the dust 5 years later just in time for me to get a new gardening hat. But that one turned out to be just a little too small. Luckily, I got a another new gardening hat that I really like that actually fits.
black River Valley Co-op hat
January 29, 2016
at our piano
I've been an active food co-op member since the 1970's. For a whole bunch of reasons, our local co-op (which I've been very involved with since its inception) recently changed its name from River Valley Market to River Valley Co-op. The store manager gave me this brand new hat as soon as they came in to replace my old one, so I could wear it when I'm working Co-op events, knowing full well that I'd also be wearing it all the time for a while as my Everyday Hat. I think I'm the only non-employee who has one! Lucky me.
Here's my previous Everyday Hat.
tiny black and white checked baseball cap
May 23, 2016
Fryeburg New Church Assembly
Fryeburg ME
My lovely wife got tired of looking at my
previous Everyday Hat, so she bought me a new one. (Not only is she pro-active, but she's smart enough to buy me clothing that I like!) This standard baseball cap with a black brim looks to be grey, but is actually very finely black & white checked.
This particular day, we had rented a cabin at camp for a vacation together before the crew arrived for Work Weekend five days later. When we got there that afternoon, we discovered that nobody had had the WiFi turned on yet. (Oh no! Not a vacation from the Internet, too! Waaaah! Help! MOMMY!) Fortunately, I discovered that I could pick up a weak but steady signal from the Maine Visitors Center across the street from the end of the
Boys Bunkhouse. Although I could have been sitting inside the Bunkhouse (as I did a couple of nights in a row), it was such a beautiful, warm, sunny day in Maine that day that here I am with my back up against a giant pine tree at the edge of the woods outside the back door of the Bunkhouse, noodling around online the following morning. My lovely wife thought it was pretty funny and came over and took my picture.
black cotton/jute snap-brimmed cap
November 28, 2016
in my office
A local discount store had moved into a new space and was having a HUGE sale on the old inventory at it's old space. Each week, everything left was discounted by another 10%. This particular day, it was at 70% off. So although I wasn't really
looking for a new hat, this one jumped out at me, and since the price was definitely right, I bought this brand new, heavy-duty, black, 2-tone, snap brim, 50% cotton and 50% jute, $15 cap for just 3 bucks! It's solid jute mesh in front; thick cotton fabric on the back half and brim; and a strong, adjustable, velcro jute strap in the back. It's my new Everyday Hat. Here's my
previous Everyday Hat.
That painting behind me, by the way, is one of my favorites. It's by my high school friend Sandy "Sandal" Friedman. What I'm obscuring with my head and this fine hat is more trees that basically fill about 90% of the part you can't see. There's a tiny bit of tree branches barely visible through my hair at the lower right next to the signature, so you can actually see that the trees do indeed go that far in the painting.
turkey hat
January 1, 2017
New Year's Day
in our kitchen
New Year's Day 2017 — notice that it says "Happy New Year! 2017" in fridge magnets on the left — was the snow date for our annual family Christmas gathering. 22 relatives ranging from age 2 - 66 made it this year. We had our usual fun and often funny Yankee Swap. I got this pretty cool, goofy turkey hat. Actually, as I told my disbelieving housemate, I actually picked this. The kid who got it clearly wasn't happy at all since she not only refused to even try it on, but threw it over her shoulder onto the floor behind herself, too, to demonstrate her total disdain for it. Well, I did want it, so when my turn came around, I took the hat from her and she got to pick another gift and everybody was happy! I wore it for the entire party, and still have it on as I write this after everyone's gone home, all the clean-up is done, my lovely wife has gone to bed, and I'm completely off duty... I still have it on.
It is quite likely, however, that I will not be wearing it tomorrow.
black fuzzy-earred earflap hat with chin straps
January 5, 2018
my house
I've always wanted an earflap hat, so when I saw this one at a barn sale last summer, I snagged it. It's all black, solid all the way around the back (no hole above an adjustment strap), and the ear flaps are fuzzy. I've worn it twice so far this winter, yesterday and today! It's a little tricky to tie it under my chin without tying beard hairs into it, but that's a small price to pay and part and parcel of being me. Besides, my ears were toasty. It's a great winter biking hat, too.
black baseball cap
February 19, 2018
Swedenborg Chapel
Cambridge MA
I don't have anything to say about this one.
Over the past two months, I've picked up several terrific new hats for myself at various yard sales, as well as several new hats for the dress-up drawer in my Play Room for the kids to enjoy. Today, I took pictures of all the ones that aren't on this page yet: the next 12 hats.
blue wool beret
This photo was taken in my Science Fiction and Fantasy Library.
The following three I got at the Northampton Family Center's annual yard sale. It was late in the day and everything was free. I was showing my lovely wife a
kid's firefighter hat (that's several hats down on this page), and the lady in charge overheard me and immediately came over and said, "Oh, do you like hats? A kind older gentleman left a whole box of men's hats. For some reason they're over here behind all the kids clothes... most men don't get that far." She led the way and then proceeded to show me every hat in the box. These next three, not only did I like them, but they fit, too!
blue "kind older gentleman"
* cap
This has become my new "every day" cap.
brown "kind older gentleman"
* Cuffley cap
very dark blue "kind older gentleman"
* Cuffley cap
My father also had three Cuffleys, a black and two tans. I got one of the
tan Cuffleys.
Behind me is a drawing of a school bus that I did in grade school in Webster Groves, Missouri. I was really proud that I figured out a way to cut around the wheels and still have them attached. (Can you see the little black tab at the top of the back wheel?) I don't have many pieces of art I've created that I like very much, but I do like this one. Above it is my absolutely favoritest parachute picture of my work; it's four girls having a total BLAST playing parachute games inside at the Holyoke Day Nursery in 1989. You can see it in full close-up
Russian ambassador black fur crown cap
This was my father's hat. I think he bought it on one of his trips to England. He wore it in the winter for a few years. It has a fold-down ear and neck warmer flap on the inside.
This hat was also my Pop's.
sparkly dress-up hat
My lovely wife picked this up when she first started stocking the Dress-Up Drawer in our Play Room. It was an instant hit with my 3-year-old granddaughter, who made a beeline for the Dress-Up Drawer and put on this hat on arrival during their weekly visit for at least a month!
small plastic firefighter hat
This hat is obviously
way too small for me. I'm looking at my lovely wife's clown beanbag toss game that her grandparents replicated an exact copy of from one that her great-grandparents had but wouldn't let them have (most likely because the grandchildren were still using it): he made the wooden stand with the holes in it; she traced it onto the board and painted it. Her mother made the beanbags, and now it goes on to a sixth generation, because
my grandchildren are now using it. Cool, huh? I got this hat at the same place as the "
kind, older gentleman" hats above.
fuzzy leopard skin dress-up hat
Another dress-up hat that's too small for me that my 3-year-old granddaughter took to instantly.
black velvet dress-up bonnet
No matter how I tried, I couldn't make this fashionable ladies bonnet look good on me. I think I'm wearing it wrong. Despite my massive practical knowledge of hats, I have absolutely no experience with bonnets.
bejewelled "old lady hat" beret
This, somehow I don't remember, came to me via my lovely wife's family.
veil-y saltbox "old lady hat"
This "old lady hat" is covered with some sort of veil-like fabric.
blue velvet saltbox "old lady hat" with lace
Pop's tan Cuffley
June 5, 2018
my office
When I put up photos of the
two Cuffleys above, I discovered that this one, my Pop's Cuffley, wasn't on this page yet, even though I've had it since shortly after Pop died 6 years ago. Pop had both a black Cuffley and two tan Cuffleys. I definitely wanted one, but when I asked around about them, I found out that my younger brother Lee had gotten them all. He very kindly allowed me to have the one of his choice (my family works like that), so I'm grateful to him. I'm pretty sure Pop got this either in England or Australia — two places he went several times where this style of cap is popular. On the shelf behind me, below the brim of my hat, are some cans and jars containing nuts, bolts, and washers... very appropriate for Pop. Also on the corner of that shelf near my beard is a framed drawing of "Blue Pansies" done by my grand-daughter when she was 4 years old. Her Great-Grandpop would have liked that, too.
This hat was also my Pop's.
grey cap
June 16, 2018
in my Play Room
My lovely wife and I went yard sale-ing that day, and of all the hats I tried on, this grey cap is the only one that she nodded Yes for. It has been my Everyday Hat since then. Here's my
previous Everyday Hat.
waterproof biking hood
August 2, 2018
my front porch
being rather frustrated with the biking rain poncho I bought last year —
it was made for mountain bikes and the attached hood was really nicely designed but a bit
frustrating — I sprang for this pricey bike rain hood this past winter along
with the brilliant yellow breathable water-resistant riding jersey in
the photo and a pair of similarly brilliantly colored biking rain pants.
The black part of the hood is breathable fabric, so I can pull it up
over my mouth and nose when it's cold and still breath through it, and
all of it is completely waterproof. And even though the rest of my new
raingear isn't 100% waterproof all the time (the rain soaks through the
jacket and pants eventually), I stay relatively dry and drivers can
actually SEE me in the rain! In fact, I'm so totally thrilled with my
new raingear that I have no more qualms whatsoever about riding when it's
wet out.
neoprene winter riding hood
November 5, 2018
my front porch
Picked this up in a free pile somewhere because I thought it might be good for winter riding. Turns out it's made out of neoprene which is both waterproof and breathable. It will keep the wind out, too, if I pull the chin strap tight enough. I'm looking forward to trying it out this winter to see if it's warm enough during cold weather.
December 28, 2018
our house
My lovely wife has been purging stuff for several years (right now, it's via Throw Out 50 Things by Gail Blanke [she hit #41 today]). This afternoon, I jumped on the bandwagon with her and cleared a whole bunch of outdoor winter clothing I never wear from my closet to donate to our local homeless shelter. In the process, I found a cache of 7 hats that weren't on this page yet. When I told her about it this exciting discovery, she volunteered to photograph them for me. Thanks, Darling!
green arrows Rasta hat
"Type 4" colors Rasta hat
Of all the Rasta hats I've ever owned, this has always been my favorite because of the bright solid pure colors. Due to my new daughter-in-law's recent discovery of the "Dressing Your Truth" method of color typing and her sharing it with my lovely wife, I now know that that's because THESE ARE MY COLORS!
BTW: That's my darling daughter's painting on the wall behind me.
the last hat Mom ever made
side view and top view
One day when I was visiting my parents 20 or so years ago, my mom was sitting on the couch finishing up knitting this hat. This is not at all unusual behavior for my mother — she probably knitted well over 100 winter hats in her lifetime, not to mention mittens, scarves, socks, sweaters, nose-warmers, and more. What was unusual about this was that when she was done, she stood up and gave it to me saying, "This is probably the last hat I will ever knit." And it was. To this day, it still hangs in a place of honor over my desk.
plain black double-knit toque
This hat lives in the pocket of a 1-piece ski suit that I never wear, so I never wear it. In fact, when I gave away the ski suit because I never wear it, I left the hat in the pocket.
funny Amy-made "boop boop" long tail winter hat
Sometime back in the late 1990's, my old friend Amy Coughlin made this hat for me one Christmas. I wore it with pride for many years. Because so many people simply can't resist tugging on the two "horns" one after the other and making a repetitive noise of some sort — it's happened many times — I think of this as my [said in a high pitched voice in sync with 2 tugging motions, 1 with each hand] "boop boop" hat.
fringed long tail winter hat
And this was the funny long tail hat I wore before I got the "boop boop" hat just above. My little sister Ellen gave me this for Christmas one year long long ago, so it's appropriate that I'm looking in the window at our Christmas tree in this photo.
detachable blizzard hood
This is the most amazingly warm, waterproof, snowproof, windproof head covering I've ever had the pleasure of owning. I call it my Blizzard Hood. I just LOVE walking outdoors during heavy snowstorms and blizzards, and this detachable hood is indispensable. Since it was made for some other coat, it doesn't actually attach to my long winter army coat, but although you can't really see it in this picture, it comes all the way down to my shoulders and spreads out a bit there. So, with the collar of my coat turned up, I can wrap this hood around with the coat collar inside it, and velcro the hood closed comfortably snug so that not a bit of wind or cold gets in around my neck no matter how blustery or gusty the wind gets. Also, not only does the furry fringey stuff around my face do a similar service for my mug, but there's some sort of fairly stiff flexy stuff sewn into the outside edge of it so that it can be molded to the shape of my face, squished in very tightly, or spread out wide depending on the circumstances. I only wear this hood once every 4 or 5 years or so when I go walking a blizzard, but whenever I do, I sure am glad for it!
And this ends the 2018 Christmas Vacation Photo Shoot.
blue winter hat with fuzzy ear flaps and brim
February 19, 2019
in front of the snow mountain on our front lawn
I've always wanted one of these toasty warm ear flapper hats that the ear flaps snap up. Now I do! These photos were taken in front of the huge snow mountain on our front lawn. All the snow from our driveway and from the truck company next door gets piled up on our front lawn all winter long. Sometimes by the end of winter it gets to high you can stand on it and look in the 2nd floor windows.
dark blue wool cap with snap brim
February 19, 2019
in my tool closet
My latest Everyday Hat (the one I wear every day by default) is a union cap: it has an ACTWU label in it... that's the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union. Here's my
previous Everyday Hat.
April 7, 2019
in my Play Room at home
Most people who know me well know that my favorite number is
#63, so when I turned 63-years-old on March 22, 2019, I had a huge 9-hour party on my birthday that somewhere around 63 people showed up (I lost count at 54 about 7 hours in... I like to think that at least 9 more arrived after that). 16 days later, I found this 63 hat at a thrift shop in Greenfield MA. I think I'll wear it all year as my Everyday Hat and retire it on my next birthday. [I did.] Behind me are two 63 signs my 2 grand-daughters made for me on my birthday.
Chester Fair hat
August 25, 2019
my house
I've been entertaining at the Chester Fair in Chester CT every year since 2009. They've had imprinted t-shirts for several years but this year when I arrived, Kathy Bosco — the person who's been booking me in recent years — announced to me that they have hats this year. She knows how much I love hats, and afterwards, when I was packing up to go, she was kind enough to give me one! Thanks, Kathy! You're a peach. (I also got my picture in the program booklet on p. 42, so how about that for a twofer, eh?!)
blue sparkly light-up sequined party hat
April 2, 2020
in our newly renovated basement
Shortly after I retired my
#63 hat at midnight the day before my 64th birthday (like I said I would), I found this sparkly party hat on the side of the road on one of my daily bike rides. It's just a little too small and it's all plastic so it makes me head itch if I wear it too long (me and synthetics don't get along), I'm still glad I found it. There's 6 little tiny lights around the top edge of the hatband (that black dot you can see is the switch) with a little battery compartment inside that takes some unusual small battery of some sort. Eventually I'll figure out what kind and will be able to see what it looks like with the lights on!
ash grey fedora with feathers
May 29, 2020
in my office
Picked up this grey fedora from a free pile on the side of the road while I was out for a bike ride, along with some pretty cool sailboat hooks (that's hooks with sailboats on them, not hooks for sailboats). It's just a little too big for me, but nothing unmanageable. The feathers are connected together in a tuft that you can remove for cleaning. I know this because the hat was pretty dusty and I spent quite a bit of time cleaning it. It looks pretty good now, though, don't you think?
BTW: For a while there, the word in black on the sign next to me changed every week, much to the amusement of my grandchildren and the homeschoolers in the weekly gym class that I did online throughout most of 2020 and 2021.
fringed edge straw hat July 2, 2020
Fryeburg New Church Assembly
Fryeburg ME
This fringed edge straw lives at our cabin in Maine. Here I am leading virtual Sparks Games with a group of Sparks (camp kids ages 3-12), bringing kids together during the global pandemic that kept us all apart.
pillow hat
August 1, 2020
Fryeburg New Church Assembly
Fryeburg ME
Unusual Hat Day!
The FNCA was 100% virtual the summer of the pandemic, but we were perhaps the only people there at the time because, as chair of the Online Programming Committee, I wanted to be able to share events from our facility. So this photo is taken inside our family cabin. vFNCA 2020 had daily spirit themes to help with a feeling of unity. It was Unusual Hat Day!, and although I have quite a few unusual hats, I hadn't brought any with me, so in the spirit of playfulness, I wore this pillow that happened to be on the couch next to me during the first event of the day as my unusual hat for all of that day's events!
smaller light blue gardening hat
September 4, 2020
my garden
Picked this up in a free pile on my daily bike ride today. And just in time, too: my
old gardening hat is starting to fall apart. Behind me, are my garden beds #s 3, 4, and 5 of my 7 raised beds. In Bed#3 (top left), you can see bush beans in the bed and pole beans on the trellis behind them. In Bed 4 (center right), you can see summer squash just starting to climb the trellis at the left end, and if you look closely, you might see a little bit of red leaf lettuce grown from seed from the Mass Aggie Seed Library at UMass-Amherst. And in Bed #5, you can see beets in front of my nose and behind my neck.
NOTE 6 MONTHS LATER: Turns out I didn't ever use this hat. It's just a little but too small. Luckily, I've since gotten a
new gardening hat.
white plastic hard hat
September 6, 2020
my basement workbench
Whoa! Two(2) new hats in a span of 3 days! Yowza! This one will live in my Play Room in the bucket of play (and a few real) tools along with my
yellow plastic kids hard hat. By the way, white hard hats are for managers, foremen, engineers or supervisors. I also have an old style
steel hard hat that I was wearing when I proposed to my lovely wife in 1998.
bluegrey denim cap
January 14, 2021
in front of my dresser
I picked up this hat from a free pile several months ago and it smelled so badly of perfume that I left it outside on our covered porch to air out. On January 1st, I retired my
previous everyday hat and put this one on.
Greek fisherman's cap
April 17, 2021
in front of my dresser
Here's the front and side views of this black Greek fisherman's cap (
here's another one) that I picked up at a thrift shop today. It's in really good shape, it fits well, and I like it, so I may be wearing it for a while as my Everyday Hat. (
Here's my next Everyday Hat.)
black driving cap
April 17, 2021
our house
I got this nice black driving cap at the thrift store today, too! I think it looks pretty sharp.
sombrero gardening hat
April 18, 2021
in my garden
Got this third hat at the thrift store yesterday, too. It was a threefer! I saw it and really liked it but didn't think my lovely wife would put up with me wearing it much, but my heart jumped when she said, "It would be a good gardening hat." She knew my
old one was falling apart, and
the replacement I got was a little small, so I'm thrilled with my new sombrero gardening hat. BTW: This is my third sombrero. Here's the
first and
I'm also thrilled with my new little pea plants in my garden bed! It's a new variety of dwarf peas that don't need a trellis. I'm hoping they're prolific and worth the space.
red long brimmed baseball hat
June 8, 2021
on my front porch
You may notice that light attached to the brim. I got it to use as a headlight when I'm biking at night (which I do regularly). On a regular size baseball cap, the back of the light bangs against my head every time I pedal, so I had to special order this long brimmed hat to solve that problem.
very light weight pleated tan cap 
July 4, 2021
Fryeburg New Church Assembly
Fryeburg ME

We were doing a bit of decluttering at our family's cabin, and I found this hat. My lovely wife said we could donate
it somewhere, and I said' "I like it," tried it on, and found
it fit quite well. But then when I found a small hand-sewn hole in the back of the headband, I said, "Hey, this is
my hat," because that's something I sometimes do so I can attach it to my belt clip when I get too hot. I must have snagged this hat some other time when we were at the cabin, left it there, and forgotten about it because it's not anywhere on this page above. But now, it's my new Everyday Hat because my
previous Everyday Hat is too
hot in the summer.
Uncle Rozzie's straw hat
October 20, 2021
our dining area
When my lovely wife's Uncle Rozzie died mid-August, her cousins invited us to go to his house saying "Please take EVERYTHING you want!" Among other things, I got this terrific straw hat that was Rozzie's, and my lovely wife got the terrific dining table I'm sitting at in the photo, as well as 4 dining chairs to go with it. I wore this cool hat throughout the Fall until the weather got too cold, and then put it back on the following May when the weather got warm. From Aunt Gretchen, I got a 4-note ceramic whistle on a necklace that one of her potters guild friends made for her. I've been wearing it pretty much all the time. You can just barely see the shiny top of it below the brown colored bead in front of my shirt at the very bottom of the photo. It's handy sometimes, having a musical instrument around my neck!
blue 2-color corded cap
May 30, 2022
my lovely wife's office
Picked this up for $3 at a thrift store in Lincoln NH on our way home from Maine this weekend. It's been my Everyday Hat ever since. Here's my
previous Everyday Hat. plastic fedora w/ black & white hatband
September 26, 2022
our front yard
Found this on the side of the bike path a couple of days ago on my daily bike ride. It was just sitting there all by itself looking lonesome so I brought it home with me. My lovely wife says I can keep it.
November 3, 2022
our cat's house
Whitney loves a good head scratch, and my lovely wife the cat lady laughed loud and deep when I showed her this hat I picked up at Goody's this afternoon.
February 18, 2023
at home in my Science Fiction and Fantasy Library
This is one of two hats I found at Goody's today. This 50/50 cloth flat cap is lined with red plaid on the inside. It just became my latest Everyday Hat.
large brimmed bright yellow baseball cap
February 18, 2023
in front of our bedroom curtain
This is the second hat I found at Goody's today. It has a bigger than usual brim, which I like. I wear this style of plain red or yellow hat to and from gigs so I'm wearing the right color hat when I arrive and leave. Red ones are fairly easy to find, but plain yellow ones like this are rather rare, so I snatch them up whenever I see them. This probably won't get worn for several years, but when the time comes, I'll be glad it's there waiting for me.
bright red baseball cap
May 1, 2023
in our kitchen
Originally, I bought this at a thrift shop to wear to gigs before I put on my
Cat in the Hat gig hat. But since I have several of these already, I decided that it's okay to just wear it any time I want! Behind me is the Mary Azarian print that my lovely wife picked up at a another thrift store after years of wanting some of her art on our walls. It reads: "When the World Wearies and Ceases to Satisfy, There is Always the Garden." Mary Azarian is a Vermont woodcut artist who hand paints each print, so this is a unique piece. She has illustrations in more than 50 books including the Parent's Choice Award for Illustration for
The Tale of John Barleycorn and the Caldecott Medal and multiple other awards-winning,
Snowflake Bentley.
black wool VT bb cap
May 27, 2023
our driveway
When I picked up this wool cap at a yard sale in Vermont, my immediate thought was, "This is going to be GREAT in the winter!"
black 25th anniversary trip fedora
October 9, 2023
Eastham MA
My lovely wife and I celebrated our 25th Wedding Anniversary with a day trip to the Berkshires on our actual wedding date, followed a few days later by a delightful 4-day vacation on Cape Cod. This photo is taken in front of the little rental home we stayed in right on the water in Eastham MA. One day, we went all the way to the end of the Cape to Provincetown (which is well-known as a gay town) and were strolling down Commercial Street — which is the main artery through downtown P'town — and saw a little sign on the side of a tall hedge that said "TAG SALE" (which is what yard sales are called in Massachusetts). We like tag sales, so we strolled up the walk, and there was this very obviously gay guy selling mostly women's clothing, wigs, and costume jewelry on his front patio. My lovely wife says to me, "This isn't a tag sale, this is a drag sale!" [hee hee hee] They also had a small pile of these black felt fedoras. My lovely wife approved, so I bought one for $5. When we got home, my housemate (who often comments about my hats) said, "Man, you look handsome!"
canvas earflapper hat
January 7, 2024
our back yard

I'd been waiting for the first winter snowstorm to wear this canvas earflapper hat that I picked up at an estate sale in Vermont. There was not only a mighty lot of stuff in the house, but the huge, dusty, ancient barn was full to the gills, too. Digging through a box of junk in the barn, I found this hat buried near the bottom. It was absolutely filthy, had tons of those white cobwebby globs in all the folds, and was generally undesirable. But my lovely wife did wonders cleaning it for me (she's amazing!) and it turns out it's in really good shape. It
is a little small for me, but I wore it shoveling snow for a good hour and it kept my head, ears, and neck warm without getting all sweaty during vigorous physical exercise. That more than makes up for the slightly tight fit, especially since it has a tie at the front corner of each side of the earflap. I just wore it loosely and tied it under my chin, and it performed admirably. And for extra bonus points, the earflaps fold up to normal hat level and actually stay in place.
black cloth patrol cap
June 27, 2024
in front of by backyard garden trellis
Picked this up at an estate sale last weekend. My lovely wife didn't approve of the first one I picked out, but she gave me a nod and a thumbs up for this one.
black Nancy's 60th fedora
December 20, 2024
in front of Nancy's desk on her 60th birthday
And to repeat what I said at the top: if you know
the dates (even roughly) or locations of any of the ones I don't know or that have question marks next to the date, or if you can update/correct any of the info in the text,
please let me know so I can update this page. If you have any photos of
me in hats that aren't here, please, Please, PLEASE send them to me! Thanks!
Special Bonus Sections below
#1: The Imposter
#2: Favorite Hat Quotes
#3: Make Your Own Strawberry Hat!
#4 National Hat Day
Special Bonus Section #1:
The Imposter!
light grey fedora
June 2, 2009
Danbury CT
It's an imposter!
After a gig in Greenwich CT, my lovely wife and I popped in for a visit with our dear friend Beki and family on the way home. This is her husband Jason Greenwood's hat. He wasn't there, so I got to try it on whether he liked it or not. Somehow I managed to communicate wordlessly with my wife across the room to please take a picture for me. She clearly got the message, because she took 9 or 10 of them!
Special Bonus Section #2:
Favorite Hat Quotes
"I wear my hats as I please, indoors or out."
~ Walt Whitman
"Personally, I'd never want to be a
member of any group where you either
have to wear a hat or you can't wear a hat."
~ George Carlin

"A man walks down the street with that hat,
people know he's not afraid of anything"
~ Alan Tudyk as "Wash" Washburn in Firefly "The Message"
“Hats change everything. September knew this with all her being,
deep in the place where she knew her own name, and that her mother would
still love her even though she hadn’t waved goodbye. For one day her
father had put on a hat with golden things on it and suddenly he hadn’t
been her father anymore, he had been a soldier, and he had left. Hats
have power. Hats can change you into someone else.”
Catherynne M. Valente in
The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making
What did the hat say to the tie?
"You hang around here, I'll go on ahead."
And if you wanted to wear something on your head there was a perfectly good item designed for that too: it was called a hat.”
~Peter Bunzl in Coghart
A man asked a small boy his name.
"Six and Seven-Eighths," he replied.
"How in the world did your parents come up with such an unusual name?"
"They just picked it out of a hat."
"It is impossible to travel faster than light, and certainly not desirable, as one's hat keeps blowing off."
~ Woody Allen
"Don't be fooled. I kept all my workout clothes
in that top hat."
~ Abraham Lincoln
"How a hat makes you feel is what a hat is all about."
~ Philip Treacy, London milliner
“Why should anyone be frightened by a hat?”
~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry in
The Little Prince
"Hats have power. Hats can change you into
someone else."
~ Catherynne M. Valente
One psychiatrists says to another, "I once had a patient who insisted he heard music every time he wore his hat."
"So how did you treat him?"
"I grabbed his hat and removed the band!"
Did you hear about the cowboy singer who wanted to be famous, so he put a corduroy sweat band in his hat?
He made headlines.
"Any plan where you lose your hat is a bad plan."
~ Phil Foglio
“Cock your hat — angles are attitudes”
~ Frank Sinatra
"Caps! Caps for sale! Fifty cents a cap!"
"You monkeys, you," he said shaking a finger at them, "you give me back my caps."
~ in Caps For Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina
"My hat is old.
My teeth are gold.
I have a bird
I like to hold.
My shoe is off.
My foot is cold.
My shoe is off.
My foot is cold.
I have a bird
I like to hold.
My hat is old.
My teeth are gold.
And now
my story
is all told."
~ Dr. Seuss in One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
Special Bonus Section #3:
Make Your Own Strawberry Hat
by Marah MacCrostie
(pictured in the last photo in this section)

Special Bonus Section #4:
National Hat Day
National Hat Day in the U.S.A. is celebrated yearly on January 15.
[More FUN Stuff]
PO Box 463, Haydenville, MA 01039