TREVOR "The Games Man"

[Library Appearances]
"It was a GREAT show! You
really know your audience."
     Paula Dugan, Children's Supervisor, Needham Free Public Library, Needham MA

What Librarians Say About TREVOR:

"Thank you so much for a FUN and engaging program!"
     Jenny Arch, Children's Librarian, South Hadley Public Library, South Hadley MA
"Your energy is amazing! No wonder the kids are always so thrilled when they know you're coming. It was indeed amazing FUN this summer! I am particularly in awe of the ease with which you handled a very crowded room with parents, small children, and furniture to boot! Thanks for your playful energy!"
     Julia Lloyd, Youth Services Librarian, Hadley Public Library, Hadley MA
"Thanks a million!! The [summer reading program] party was great because of you!
     Luna Greenwood, Children's Librarian, Hadley Public Library, Hadley MA

"Thanks so much! You were terrific! What a great show! You are very, very good."
     Kay Milligan, library patron and mother, North Andover MA
"That was terrific! The kids had a wonderful time!"
     Meredith Ruhl, assistant director / children's librarian, Bacon Free Library, Natick MA 
"You are a very memorable character!"
     Nancy F. Little, librarian, Shea Library, American International College, Springfield MA
"Thank you so much for the fantastic show last week!"
     Jodi Levine, director, Pelham Public Library, Pelham MA
"Thank you so much for a wonderful show. The families loved it. We will definitely have you back soon! And I'm happy to give you a shout out on our Youth Services List Serv [MassYAC]."
     and on MassYAC:
"We had TREVOR here yesterday and he had an audience of about 55 kids and parents laughing and literally screaming with delight for his entire show. Highly recommend him!"
     Kristy Pasquariello, Head of Youth Services, Westwood Public Library, Westwood MA
"TREVOR "The Games Man" is always a Hatfield favorite and he did not disappoint! Good energy, very punny, got the kids running around, and everyone was glad to see him back performing  at the library. We had a great summer here in Hatfield!"
     Jocelyn Cozzo, Children's Librarian, Hatfield Public Library, Hatfield MA
[responding to the above MASSYAC post by Jocelyn Cozzo:]
"I second TREVOR "The Games Man" as a sure bet!! I hire that guy as much as possible; we had him come six times this summer and the kids love him. Adults too!"
     Luna Greenwood, Children's Librarian, Hadley Public Library, Hadley MA
"We've really had a raft of comment about how everyone enjoyed the program --- one of the best we've had!"
     Joyce Neal, library director, Lilly Library, Florence MA
I like how you included EVERYONE, even tricky kids and even 4-year-olds. You treat everyone the same and that was super nice. Also you have a good grasp on being the LEADER without being mean or yelling or letting kids be too crazy. The atmosphere was good and upbeat. I notice you can read the audience. Everyone loved it and appreciated the opportunity to unplug and RUN!!!!
Hire TREVOR for your next big event, and you will be SET! Kids and adults love him and all the wacky FUN games he knows. Best of all, TREVOR has this fantastic ability to include people of all ages. I saw him masterfully lead dozens of different group games with 4-year-olds, 7-year-olds, 12-year-olds, AND 15-year-olds!! Everyone can participate and TREVOR treats everyone fairly and with respect. I have been a children's librarian for 23 years and TREVOR is the best performer/ entertainment person I have ever hired."
     Luna Greenwood, Children's Librarian, Goodwin Memorial Library, Hadley MA

"TREVOR "The Games Man" was fantastic to work with in scheduling his performance, and a joy to watch during the event! The families responded to him with such genuine joy, it was a pleasure to see. We had a great many positive reviews of the show. Loved the audience participation [and his] very unique style."
     Quincy Knapp, Children's Librarian, Wellesley Free Library, Wellesley MA

"Thank you for coming in the jungle heat.  I think the kids had a great time. I think the laughing in the crowd said a lot."
     Karen Vallee, Children's Librarian, Mary Cheney Library, Manchester CT

"We had a blast with TREVOR "The Games Man" this afternoon at the library! The kids were super engaged the whole time, laughing hysterically. I also liked how TREVOR was willing to roll with this group, who were very talkative and unpredictable. TREVOR was easy to work with, very engaging with the group and easily adapted to the all-ages, rambunctious crowd. Would definitely book him again!" 
     Kristy Pasquariello, Head of Youth Services, Westwood Public Library, Westwood MA

"I certainly want to have you back here --- the kids always love your shenanigans!"
     Cheri Hardy, Assistant Director/Children's Programming, Hatfield Public Library,
       Hatfield MA


"Thank you so much for making the 'Get-A-Clue' summer reading program in the Children's Department at the Bristol Public Library a HUGE success! Your aerial/stilt/game show was enjoyed by all who attended. Children loved watching you walk on stilts and tell funny tales; you made them laugh, think, and enjoy reading! Please find enclosed pictures of your program. [See photo above.] We have the pictures on display in the Children's Department so that the kids can see all the FUN stuff they did this summer. We look forward to another visit from you! Enjoy the summer!"
     Valerie Toner, Supervisor of Children's Services, Bristol Public Library, Bristol CT

"Thank you so much for braving weather and distance to liven up our Hamilton-Wenham Public Library's Mardi Gras celebration. Your performance --- simple and silly --- was a hit! You have a rare understanding of what makes kids tick, and you had them 'laughing all the way.' We had several patrons express their gratitude for your rib tickler, thigh-slapper performance."
     Lorraine Der, children's librarian, Hamilton-Wenham Public Library, South Hamilton MA 

"Thank you for a fantastic night! Everyone was so pleased with the way the evening evolved. It's amazing what can happen when kids get 'disconnected' from technology and reconnected with humanity and the simple pleasures of life. I will be happy to write a recommendation and spread the word through the library listserv. Happy Day!"
     Kathy Lescoe, director of Children's &  Branch Services, Farmington Libraries,  Farmington CT  -------------------->

"I just want to send you a note to thank you for your wonderful comedy and games variety act at the Harry Bennett Branch Library. Your performance was extremely entertaining and you did a great job of keeping the children engaged throughout. All of the children seemed to have a great time, and the adults enjoyed themselves as well! Altogether it was truly a great success.
I hope you enjoyed being here as much as we enjoyed having you. It was lovely to work with you, and I hope to have you back in the future, as the program was so unique and well-received and works for a large age range.
Thanks again for the fantastic performance."
     Amy Lilien-Harper, Youth Services Librarian, Harry Bennett Branch Library, Stamford CT

"Thank you for a truly professional performance. The youngsters loved every minute. It was a totally enjoyable program. Your easy interaction with the youngsters, along with your talent for comedy, made this program a great success. We had a capacity crowd and it was obvious by the comments I received from parents and children who attended, that they liked this entertaining and FUN program. I was really amazed at your ability to interact with such a wide range of age levels without neglecting anyone. It was a great program for the library, everyone had a great time."
        Martha Richard, Children's Librarian, Storrs Library, Longmeadow MA

"You're awesome! I knew you'd come and get involved and entertain without any direction from me. This was a big event that I had many responsibilities at and I knew you would not be one of them. You are an experienced professional so I knew you would entertain how you saw fit once you saw the situation. The crowd was very pleased. And you made the front page of the Sentinel [newspaper]. You made me laugh! I think everything went wonderfully! [In short], I hire TREVOR "The Games Man" for selfish reasons: I know I can depend on him and his performance will be a success, and that takes all the pressure off me! Plus, I enjoy playing, too!"
     Jennifer Whitehead, Children's Librarian, Clapp Memorial Library, Belchertown MA

"What a lively, FUN-filled time it was, as usual! The children and parents alike had such compliments for you, such enthusiasm for the show --- they loved the shapes to guess, the ribbon dancers, and especially the parachute! I'm impressed that you always keep the kids engaged and entertained the whole time. You make a librarian's job a little easier --- a pleasure to book you, to talk with you, and to join in on the FUN."
      Elaine Wrubel, Head of Children's Services, Wilbraham Public Library, Wilbraham MA

"I just want to thank you for coming and giving us a great show. I had lots of parents and kids tell me what a great time they had, and judging from the line of autograph-seekers you had after the show, I think we can safely say you were a big hit. You were a real bright spot in our week, and I hope we can work together again sometime. Thanks again!"
     Elizabeth McKay, Youth Services Manager, Ferguson Library, Stamford CT

"Thank you so much for the great program. The kids had a wonderful time. I had wonderful comments from everyone. There was one family who came especially because they had seen you before. You did a good job of gearing material to the audience and had such wonderful interaction with the kids, even the tiniest ones. You are certainly talented and have the gift of making people smile. I appreciated the prompt return phone calls, too. It definitely made my job and peace of mind much better. We hope you'll come back again."
     Jo Ann Bourquard, Children's Librarian, Westfield Athenaeum, Westfield MA

"Thank you for the wonderful evening of FUN you provided for our 'Reading Game Party' at the Mansfield Library. This was exactly the type of activity I had in mind when planning a culminating event for our summer reading program. Families that attended have mentioned how much they enjoyed the games and activities. The way in which you were able to involve the group in games and laughter meant that a good time was had by all! If they didn't, it was their own fault!"
     Susan Schur, Children's Librarian, Mansfield Library, Mansfield CT

"TREVOR, as always, entertains most professionally. Parents, children, passers-by always watch with enthusiasm and joy! There never is a question whether people will be satisfied with your performance. Every time I speak about you to an audience of children, their faces light up and I get an enthusiastic 'YEA!' Stilts, stuffed animals, parachute --- they are great props, but mean nothing without the energy and talent of an entertainer of your caliber. There's only one "Games Man" and his name is TREVOR."
     Antonia Galinski-Foisy, Children's Librarian, Simsbury Public Library, Simsbury CT

"Thanks for coming to play at the Simsbury Public Library. We all had FUN --- the smiles proved it! I've had nothing but positive comments since you were here."
     Shelley Spoering, Children's Librarian, Simsbury Public Library, Simsbury CT

"Thanks so much for a perfect morning of FUN. We had such a great time and many favorable comments. I think it's really significant that so many of the kids had seen you before in schools, etc. and wanted to come again. Parents had a really good time, too. Many of them said so after the show. It's such a pleasure to work with someone who is both FUN and professional. Your prompt phone and mail responses and punctual arrival make our work much easier. You really involve the audiences and know what makes people of all ages laugh. You have a wide variety of material and are very versatile in what you present. Thanks again, with the hope you'll visit Westfield another time."
     Jo Ann Bourquard, Children's Librarian, Westfield Athenaeum, Westfield MA

    "Incredible... so much FUN!"
      Denise Farmosa, Children's Librarian Assistant, Merriam-Gilbert Library, W Brookfield MA

    "TREVOR's command of his audience is skillful. Lots of great giggling."
     Sunny Banwer, Children's Department, Russell Library, Middletown CT

"YES!! [We especially liked] the word play with the children. It continually helped keep the very young of age focused and yet totally entertained. It was perfect for the crowd and their expectations. They loved it; and the feedback is all good: 'Way cool!', 'FUN', 'Funny'."
     Kitty Robinson, Children's Librarian, Russell Library, Middletown CT

"Thank you for yet another professional performance. Your program helped to create enthusiasm for our library users and summer reading participants. Each time you visit, our young audience loves every minute. As in the past, we had a great crowd, and I received several comments from parents and children who attended that they enjoyed your entertaining and FUN program. Your talent amazed the audience, and your easy interaction with the group was wonderful. Thank you again."
     Martha Richard, Youth Services Librarian, Storrs Library, Longmeadow MA

"Everyone who attended was talking about your show. The children from our Summer Reading Program were enthralled by your appearance on stilts! They loved it when you show the different uses for the ribbon dancers! And all who took part in the program enjoyed playing games at the conclusion. We highly recommend this program to children who are looking to be entertained by someone unique, funny, energetic, and a bit different from anything else we've ever seen! Thank you for a very FUN time."
     Margo Storozuk, Children's Librarian, Southwick Public Library, Southwick MA

"We enjoyed your show, and you were very responsive and easy to work with. We enjoyed your extreme silliness and banter with the kids. You related really well with them. The kids loved it. They talked about it the next day. Kids always seem to love participatory shows. TREVOR gave us a spectacularly silly show that had all the kids giggling and wiggling! He was a pleasure to work with."
     Vicky Linoti, librarian, Perrot Library, Greenwich CT

"We enjoyed and admired your ability to make this program age-appropriate for our very young audience. Thank you for your positive energy and contribution to the children at the library. You were a joy to work with; enthusiasm like yours is always appreciated. Thanks again, TREVOR."
     Lisa Kean, Children's Librarian, New Haven Free Public Library, New Haven CT

"I've never seen anyone with such a command of an audience. You were terrific!"
     Lynn Friend, Byram Shubert Library,
           Greenwich CT

"A different, FUN, and interactive program for the kids. It was great. The kids were totally engaged. [I specifically liked] the involvement of the kids, and how much FUN they had. TREVOR got everyone involved and laughing. Thanks so much for doing a great program at the Hatfield Public Library. The kids really had a terrific time, and it's great to see them being so engaged and so entertained. Both of my daughters loved making the ribbon dancers. What a great, yet simple toy! It was a wonderful way to end the evening and I know the kids loved having something to take home. Once again, thanks for a great job!"
     Sheila McCormick, Library Director, Hatfield Public Library

"Prepare for a great surprise... when TREVOR "The Games Man" returns for a morning of FUN. TREVOR is a master of participatory games and songs."
     Library Notes, Russell Library, Middletown CT

"[The library] had you in the past and I was told that you put on a great show. It was also very fitting for an outside performance for a large audience. I thought you were great with the kids. They were quite impressed with how high your stilts are. I thought the parachute games were excellent. All the kids had a wonderful time with you. Perfect for both a younger and an older audience. People were very excited about the program. Even before the show, I had people telling me they were really looking forward to seeing your perform. This was a great show for the close of our summer reading program."
     Suzanne Scribner, Children's Librarian, Hudson Public Library, Hudson MA

"I was very impressed by your performance. Loved the comedy the best!... and the interaction with the kids. Not the ordinary... but beyond ordinary!!"
     Karen McNulty, Children's Director, Avon Free Public Library, Avon CT

"I knew you'd give a great show, and the audience is always entertained and engaged. You are easy to work with, very accommodating with finding a date to perform; you call back! Fabulous, FUN, entertaining, humorous. And stickers! My staff, too, think you work hard in the sun to get the kids engaged. TREVOR is visually striking, funny, and clearly loves performing for kids. He's one of our most popular performers."
     Elaine Crane, Head of Children's Services, Wilbraham Public Library, Wilbraham MA

"Thank you for a most entertaining hour and a half that you provided to the families of Westford at the J.V. Fletcher Library. We all had such a great time and laughed so hard. I was so impressed with how you welcomed the arrivals in the ten minutes before the show even officially began with the imaginative use of the plastic tubes as eyes, ears, mustaches, musical instruments, and what not. The children enjoyed the opportunity to guess and to show what they know. You certainly know what entertains little boys in particular, but also adults.
An opportunity to make a ribbon dancer at the end was such a nice touch. Kids love to make things, and you had the process so streamlined that many children made their toy without a long wait. I'm sure that Westford families will be talking about the variety and the FUN that you provided for quite a while." 
     Kathleen D. Hutchins, Head of Youth Services, J.V. Fletcher Library, Westford MA

"Many thanks for your recent program at Russell Library. Everyone enjoyed your stilts, your many funny toys and silly antics, and your enthusiasm for having a good time. It was a great opportunity for kids and adults to relax and laugh together. I was impressed with your energy, and your ability to include the entire audience in your show. You made everyone feel like a special part of the program. Thanks again!"
     Judy Stoughton, Children's Librarian, Russell Library, Middletown CT

"We wanted a FUN program for our summer kickoff and knew you would be good with a large group and mixed ages. You did a great job! You arrived exactly when you said you would, and you were really good dealing with our somewhat rowdy crowd. You were a great FUN way to kick off our summer activities! Thanks!"
     Elizabeth McKay, Youth Services Manager, Ferguson Library, Stamford CT
"I was told your program was popular and FUN. The kids seemed to have
a really good time
. Everyone enjoyed it. I especially liked when you took off the stilts and showed the kids how they work. TREVOR is a lot of FUN. He keeps the kids engaged and laughing from the moment he arrives until the end of the program."
     Amy Lilien-Harper, Youth Services Librarian, Harry Bennett Branch Library, Stamford CT

"Thank you. You're the BEST one we've had!"
     Mary Bevacqua, Librarian, Memorial Hall Library, Andover MA

Click these shows to see what the applause is all about!

TREVOR's indoor family show:
Giants & Giraffes * Dragons & Detectives

TREVOR's outdoor family show:
The Outdoor Special

Click here to see a list of TREVOR's Library appearances.




[Library Appearances]

PO Box 463, Haydenville, MA 01039