TREVOR's Appearances for Elders
1988-2025 arranged alphabetically by state & town 0.9% of total lifetime gigs to date
66 performances for 57 groups
in 37 towns in 4 states
MassachusettsAmherst Amherst Senior Center
(88, 89)
Community Service's Boltwood
Project (90)
Chicopee Hawthorn Services (89,
East Longmeadow SunRise Care
& Rehab (99)
Erving Mary Sherman's 90th
birthday (95)
Gardner Larry Wood's 60th
birthday (07)
Granby Esther Hodge's 60th
birthday (10)
Greenfield Bricker's Restaurant AARP tour (93)
Poet's Seat Nursing Home (98)
Wally & Juanita Nelson's 50th wedding anniversary (98)
Groveland Nichols Village BBQ (11) ------------>
Holyoke Hawthorn Services (89, 91)
John & Mildred White's 50th anniversary (99)
Mediplex (93)
New Medico (91)
Lee Agnes Wellington's 80th birthday (92)
Lenox Cameron House (02)
Paul Lepel's 60th birthday (01)
Longmeadow Jewish Geriatric Services/Jewish Nursing Home (93, 94[2x], 00)
Manny Karas's 65th birthday (93)
Ludlow Ludlow Council on Aging Health Fair (99)
Rehab West (92)
Monson Monson Development Center (94, 95, 96)
Montague Priscilla Tromblay's 80th birthday (96)
Tim VanEgmond's 60th birthday (11)
Northampton Grace Larkin's retirement party (94)
Veterans Administration Medical Center (93, 94)
Palmer Palmer Green Estates (96)
Pittsfield Hillcrest Commons (03, 04, 05, 06) --->
Jan Difilippo's post-surgery hospital visit (05)
Sharon Rev Dr Willliam R "Pop Woof" Woofenden's 80th birthday (01)
Southbridge the Kosinski's 50th wedding anniversary (98)
Southwick Alvin Fields's 70th birthday (04)
Madeleine Molta's 60th birthday ((96)
Springfield 6 women's 60th birthday "Dinosaur Party" at the Springfield Science Museum
Mercy Hospital Adult Day Health program (93)
Park Edge Apartments (95)
Sudbury Orchard Hill at Sudbury (00)
Sunderland Cozy Corner Nursing Home (91)
Webster Jim & Pat Snow's 70th birthdays (03)
Wilbraham Life Care Center (94)
Reggie Cormier's 90th birthday (04)
Teresa Hickey's 60th birthday (95)
Worcester Lincoln Park Towers Senior Citizens Glee Club (95)
New Hampshire
Hudson Jeannette Gauthier's 76th birthday (96)
Peru Bromley Sun Lodge AARP tour (03) -------->
Stratton Stratton Mountain Inn AARP tour (05)