TREVOR's Appearances at
Events for Adults
1989-2025 arranged alphabetically by state & town 4.8% of total lifetime gigs to date
373 events for 270 groups
in 109 towns in 10 states and online
OnlineGeneral Convention of Swedenborgian
Churches annual conference (21)
Beki Greenwood's 40th birthday party (20)
Desert Chapter of the Brandeis University
Alumni Association, Palm Desert CA,
Bingo Fundraiser (20)
Eastern Cooperative Recreation School,
Winter Adventure (20[2x])
First Church of Christ, Glastonbury CT, Adult
Game Night (20) ----------------------->
Palm Desert Desert Chapter, Brandeis
University Alumni Association (20)
Avon Learning Dynamics (93)
Berlin Berlin Chamber of Commerce Trade
Show (99)
Bloomfield Cigna (99[2x], 00)
Bridgeport Housatonic Community College Early Childhood Lab School staff
development training (07)
Bristol Subacute Center of Bristol (01)
Cromwell Bright Horizon's Conference staff development training (99)
East Windsor Herb Holden Trucking (04)
Enfield Danny Liquori's 30th birthday party (93)
Firestone (00)
Hazardville Daycare staff development training (03)
Farmington General Electric (97)
Glastonbury First Church of Christ Adult Game Night (20)
Our Children's Place staff development training (92, 01)
Hartford Aetna Life Insurance (90)
Connecticut Forum (07)
Manchester KinderCare staff development training (98, 99)
Sam's Club (01)
Middletown Aetna Life Insurance (90)
Community Health Center's Affordable Care Act enrollment
event (15) -------------------------------------------------------->
KidCity fundraiser (03)
Town & Country Early Learning Center staff development training (10)
Milford Once Upon A Time Child Care Center staff development training (07[2x])
Newington Temple Sinai (00)
North Haven Nationwide Insurance (95)
Old Saybrook Professionals Who Care national annual staff conference (95)
South Windsor South Windsor Senior Center picnic (15)
Suffield Meg & Doug Galetta's Jack & Jill party (97)
Vernon Scranton Motors (01)
Wallingford Nationwide Insurance Co (95)
West Hartford Hall High School in-service day staff development training (95, 97)
Sagemark Consulting (04)
Whiting Lane Extended Day Program staff development training (07)
Windsor Automatic Data Processing (97)
Fryeburg Fryeburg New Church Assembly - Opening Weekend Program (22)
Portland Headstart - People's Regional Opportunity Program (93)
Agawam Debbie Ricciardone's baby shower (12)
Amherst Amerinex (95, 96)
Amherst Cooperatives conference (12)
Amherst Montessori School staff development training (89)
Amherst Senior Center (88, 89)
Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) Japanese Teacher Exchange
annual USA conference staff development training (95, 96, 97, 99, 00)
Hats Off Performers Guild (19[3x], 20[5x], 21[5x], 22[5x], 23[1x])
Mullins Center Grand Opening (93)
Myrrh & Joe Brooks's wedding [that's MY daughter!] (08)
National Association of College & University Food Service
Town & Country Realtors (95)
UMass Adventures in Lifelong Learning (90[4x], 91[8x],
UMass Boltwood Project (90) ------------------------->
UMass Cooperative Extension Service (97)
Valley Trade Connection (96)
Womancraft Midwifery (03)
Ashburnham Ashburnham-Westminster Extended Day staff development training (01,
Athol Adams Chevrolet (95)
WalMart (95)
Attleboro ABACUS (01, 08)
Auburn Association for Early Childhood Directors staff development training (93, 01)
Construction Equipment Maintenance Association (93)
Cynder Mesrobian's 30th birthday party (96)
Yours for Children staff conference (95, 05)
Becket Sherwood Forest Lake District
annual picnic (24)
Belchertown Church of the Apostles
Harris Milk Transportation Co (95)
Laidlaw Bus Co (97)
Boston Boston Vegetarian Society
Sapient Corp (01)
Bridgewater General Convention of
Swedenborgian Churches annual
conference (08, 12) ------------->
Brookline Runkle School After
School Program staff
development training (09)
Chelmsford Allied Office Products
trade show (02)
Chesterfield Hilltown Community
Development Corp. (90)
Chicopee Hawthorn Services (91,
Pioneer Development Services (95)
Sunshine Village (94)
Szetela Early Childhood Center
staff development training (01)
Valley Opportunity Council (07)
Western MA Lions Clubs annual conference (90)
Cummington Christine Kiernan's 40th birthday party (94)
Cummington Lions Club (06)
Dalton Central Berkshire Community Partnership (01)
Hard Hat Bar (98)
Western MA Lions Clubs (90)
East Brookfield Robbie Ceramics (03)
Easthampton All About Children staff development training (09)
B.G. Mechanical (95)
Danny Ravish's 44th birthday party (96)
David Brosnan's going away party (95)
October Co (95, 97)
River Valley Co-op annual meeting (19)
Fitchburg Children's Aid & Family Services staff development training (99)
Family Child Care Resource Network staff development training (03)
Fitchburg Public Schools staff development training (99)
Yours For Children annual staff conference (95, 05)
Framingham Framingham Extended Day Program staff development training (95)
South Middlesex Opportunity Council (00, 05)
Suburban Athletic Club (00) ---------------------->
Gardner American Legion (99)
Gardner Elks (95)
Gardner/Quabbin Community Partnership (99)
WGAW (06)
Greenfield Bricker's Restaurant (93)
Greenfield Early Childhood Program staff development training (92[2x])
Green Fields Market (03)
Heather Horvach's housewarming (96)
Poet's Seat Nursing Home (98)
Parent Child Development Center (91)
Wally & Juanita Nelson's 50th wedding anniversary (98)
Groveland Nichols Village (11)
Hadley Hadley Early Childhood Program staff development training (91)
Hartsbrook School Carnival Night (87, 88)
Hearthstone Day Care Providers Consortium staff development training (91)
Hatfield Hatfield Lions Club (91)
Little Moon Studio (90[5x])
T.S. Swift & Associates (95)
Holden Childworks staff development training (99)
Lisa Frielich's baby shower (97)
Holliston South Middlesex Opportunity Council (00)
Holyoke Child Care Focus School-Age Conference keynote & staff development training
(91, 92)
Hawthorn Services (89)
Holyoke/Chicopee/Springfield Headstart staff development training (93[2x], 98[2x])
Holyoke Early Childhood Center staff development training (88)
Mass. Association of Activity Professionals (98)
Mediplex (93)
Nancy Beaulieu's 40th birthday party (96)
New Medico (91)
Oakes Electric (96)
Preschool Enrichment Team conference (95, 96)
Preschool Enrichment Team annual early childhood conference (92, 95, 96[2x])
SunRise Care & Rehab (99)
Valley Opportunity Program (01)
WAQY/WHMP/WLZX ad reps' sales conference
(00) ----------------------------------------------->
Hyannis College Bookstore Managers of the Northeast (96)
Lenox Cameron House (02)
UMass Extension Service support staff conference (97)
Leominster Leominster Community Partnership (99)
Leverett Live Foods Potluck (13[2x]), 14[3x], 16)
Longmeadow Jewish Nursing Home / Jewish Geriatrics Services (93, 94)
Ruth's House grand opening (00)
Ludlow Fashion Bug (00)
Rehab West (92)
Marlborough John McKinnon's 30th birthday party (96)
PTO Today (06)
Yours For Children annual staff conference (05)
Medford Medford Child Development Center staff development training (04)
Monson Monson Development Center (94, 95)
Montague Pricilla Tromblay's 80th birthday party (96)
Natick Natick Extended Day Program staff development training (96, 10)
North Adams Conte Middle School staff development training (01)
CVS grand opening (93)
Northbridge Northbridge Community Partnership staff development training (00)
Northampton Adult Play Group at the Mansion (87)
Berkshire Design Group (97)
Child Care Focus School-Age Conference keynote & staff development training (91, 92)
Children's House Montessori School staff development training (90)
Community Services (90)
Cooley Dickinson Hospital (94)
Dance Spree (89[2x])
Grace Larkin's retirement party (94)
Hampshire YMCA annual meeting (92)
Hampshire YMCA staff development training (91)
Housing Allowance Project / HAPHousing (92, 95)
Hubbard House (92)
Jones Hutchins Realty (05)
MicroCal Inc (95)
Mirage Studios (91)
Northampton Plumbing Supply Group (08)
Northampton Skills Center (95)
Peggy Walker's 40th birthday party (91)
Pioneer Development Services (95)
Quentin Eastman's 50th birthday party (91)
Roger Caouette's "Famous Pairs" Halloween
costume party (93)
River Valley Co-op annual meeting (02, 12) ---->
Smith College (07)
Smith College Early Childhood Center staff
development training (11)
Valley Programs / Service Net (89, 90, 92)
Western MA Shelter for Homeless Veterans (95)
WHMP (90)
WXOJ-LP (06)
Orange WalMart (95)
Palmer Palmer Green Estates (96)
Pioneer Development Services (95)
Pittsfield Apex Engineering (95)
Cavallero New Year's Eve party (94)
Christena Reeve's 28th birthday party (94)
Hillcrest Commons (03, 05, 06)
Lee Conant's 40th birthday party (96)
Pioneer Development Services (95)
Resources for Childcare staff development training (97)
Shelburne Franklin Community Coop annual meeting (20)
Mole Hollow Candles (01)
Southboro First American Title Insurance Co (07)
South Hadley Lorraine Beaubry's 50th birthday party (95)
South Hadley Parent Child Resource Center staff development training (99)
Southwick Madeleine Molta's 60th birthday party (96)
Springfield ACCGS Chamber of Commerce trade show (06, 07)
Advertising Club of Western MA (04)
Bar & Bat Mitzvah Showcase (93)
Channel 22 (94[2x])
Children's Corner staff development training (96)
"Dinosaur Party" for 6 women celebrating their 60th birthdays together at Springfield
Science Museum (00)
Early Childhood Centers of Greater Springfield staff development training (08)
F.L. Roberts (01)
Hampden Bank at Tower Square (05)
Hampshire Community Action Commission (90)
Kids' Place annual staff conference (96, 97)
Mass Mutual Real Estate Division (92)
Mercy Hospital Adult Day Health (93)
Park Edge Apartments (95) ----------------------->
Preschool Enrichment Team staff development
training (92, 95, 96[2x])
Sheraton Springfield ((93)
Springfield College (05)
Springfield Day Nursery staff development training (93)
Springfield Public Schools staff development training (97, 98)
Sturbridge Minuteman Cochlear Implant convention (97, 99)
New England Library Association annual conference (05)
Townsend Jeannette Gauthier's 76th birthday party (96)
Ware Koziol Elementary School Volunteers Banquet (96)
Wendell Schleigho's "Ho-Down" Music Festival (96, 97, 98, 99, 00)
Westfield Amerigas (00)
Center for Children & Youth staff development training (93)
Eastern Mountain Head Injury Clinic (89)
Franklin Avenue School staff development training (97)
Headstart staff development training (94)
Laudato Building & Remodeling (95)
Mestek Inc (96)
Montgomery Road Animal Hospital (94) ------->
Southampton Road School staff development
training (89)
Westfield Area Consortium staff development
training (93)
Westfield Community Partnership staff development training (97, 99)
Westhampton Micro Cal employee picnic (95)
Westminster Child Care Forum staff development training (97)
West Springfield Catherine Bey's 50th birthday party (18)
Renner Davis Co (93)
Springfield Camping & Outdoor Show (00, 01)
Wilbraham Life Care Center (94)
Mulberry Child Care staff development training (03)
Teresa Hickey's 60th birthday party (95)
Williamsburg Sparky Bergeron's 40th birthday dinner (91)
Wilmington Network of Extended Day Directors annual conference staff development
training (99, 00, 01)
Winchendon Child Care Forum staff development training (97)
Winchendon Child Care Council staff development training (98)
Winchester Winchester Summer Adventure Program staff development training (02)
Worcester Colleges of Worcester Consortium (05)
Howlett Home Center (99)
Lincoln Park Towers Senior Citizens Glee Club (95)
New England Regional Harley Round-Up motorcycle convention (01)
New England Library Association annual conference (07)
People's Bank (93)
UMass Medical Childcare Center staff development training (94)
UMass Memorial Home Health & Hospice conference (00)
Worcester County Shriners Club (01)
Rochester Oak Arbor Church School staff development training (93)
New Hampshire
Canaan Canaan Elementary School staff development training (01)
Concord Family Strength Crisis Intervention Center (94)
Keene Monadnock Waldorf School staff stilt training (97)
Marlborough Camp Glen Brook staff development training (88)
Richmond Tracy Field's 40th birthday party (15)
Winchester E.L.M. Memorial Community Center (07)
New York
Mariaville Max Creek's "Camp Creek" Music
Festival (00) ------------------------------->
Parksville Moon Boot Lovers' "Moon Boot
Camp" music fest (96)
Valley Falls Karen Marbot's 50th birthday party
Montgomery Camp Beside-the-Point staff development training (82)
Bryn Athyn Common Ground Cafe & Performance Place (92)
Alnwick Rd. private house party (81)
Trent Camp Laurel Leaf staff development training (81)
Bellows Falls Don Benjamin & Barbara Rogers's wedding (06)
Brattleboro Sandy Klein's 40th birthday party (00)
Glover Bread & Puppet Resurrection Circus (96, 97)
Peru Bromley Sun Lodge (04, 05)
Rutland Vermont Achievement Center (13)
Stratton Aventis Systems (01)
Townsend New Chapter Co (04)
Click to read Comments on TREVOR's The Party Game Show
Click to read Comments on TREVOR's The Mystery Detective Brainteaser Show
Click to read Comments on TREVOR's A New Approach to Team-Building
Click to read Comments TREVOR's on Introduction to Cooperative Play